Here's the answers to more questions that you had!
What books are coming up for you?
My second book for middle-grade readers, THE SPINDLERS, will be released in October of this year. In the spring of 2013, the last book in my Delirium series, Requiem, comes out; and after that...who knows! I'm working on a teen standalone right now but it's in its very early stages.
How do you come up with names for your characters?
With difficulty! I keep lists of names I like, street names, and place names on my computer. But sometimes I just mix-and-match the names of people I know!
How old were you when you started writing?
I started writing pretty much as soon as I was old enough to hold a pen and read on my own. My first stories were spin-offs of the books I loved, like CS Lewis and the Redwall series.
How is Hana's name pronounced?
I pronounce it Hah-na (the way a British person might!), but most people say Hana to rhyme with the last syllable of banana, which is fine too. She's used to it!
How do you overcome obstacles/writers block?
Discipline, discipline, discipline. I've trained myself to write every day, no matter what. And remember: the first drafts don't have to be good, or even readable!
Hope this helps!
Can't wait to read both of them. Loved hearing how you come up with your names.
Thank you for answering some of the questions I asked!!!! :)
I'm sorry but i litterally can not wait till next spring to read requiem. i think im gonna die, are u sure it can't be released earlier?:( aww and when will delirium the film come to our big screens? btw did u get my email lauren?
Thank you! Silly, but I've been waiting to read Hana until I could know which pronunciation was right!
It's so nice of you take the time to answer our questions! I always assumed authors were too busy with writing books and their personal lives to answer any trivial questions I might have. I am so happy that you do answer our questions, and that you post them on your blog for everyone to read :)
I was curious about the pronunciation of Hana also because I listened to Delirium and Pandemonium read by Sarah Drew and she pronounced it differently in the two books.
Yes! That drove me crazy...I get stuck on it everytime she says it now....
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