I've been unable to blog before now because I had to wait for the internet to be installed in my (SPOILER ALERT) brand-new apartment, but now I am happy to post and say: I moved into abrand new apartment! (I warned you about the spoiler, didn't I?) It is absolutely beautiful, albeit devoid of all furniture save a desk and a bed. But really, what else does one really need? Here is a lovely (or, um, terrifying) picture of me enjoying my very first cup of coffee in my brand-new office. Yes, I have a separate office!

Bonus to anybody who can figure out why on earth one part of my hair looks like the cosmetic version of a ski jump...
My week got even more ridiculously good when I found out that my incredible publisher, Harper, offered me another TWO-BOOK DEAL!! I just feel so happy/relieved knowing my writing career is secure (as much as a writing career can ever be secure) a little bit longer. Unfortunately (for everybody else), this means I will not be shutting up anytime soon.
The moving madness has made it impossible for me to celebrate this week but New York City is on high-alert as of tonight: I am putting on heels, a dress, and makeup, and I am prepared to boogie down until the wee hours of the morning.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Lastly, but not leastly, last night I had the chance to go to New Jersey and see Jay Asher speak/read. His book Thirteen Reasons Why has been on the New York Times bestseller list for forty weeks--unbelievable--but even more unbelievable is how sane, humble, helpful, and wonderful he is. He's, like, the anti-diva! We had dinner after the event and apart from scarfing an entire bread basket myself and probably making people suspicious of my table manners (or lack thereof), it was wonderful. I'm just really happy that I got to see Jay's event--he is so lucid and smart and comfortable and great with teens, it was inspiring--and I continue to be honored that he gave my book such a great blurb and has continued to advocate for it.
So, like I said...Best. Week. Ever.
Off to put on those heels...
Congratulations! That's awesome news! And Before I Fall looks amazing.
Congratulations on the new apartment.
Also I love the cover for BEFORE I FALL and if Jay Asher endorses it, it must be a great read, so it's now on my ToBeRead list.
Congratulations on your Book Deal & wishing you continued success.
All the best,
Um...so I just saw these comments. Sorry for being technologically inept, guys--and thank you so much!!
xo Lauren
That's awesome! My week was amazing becuase I got a hard copy of BEFORE I FALL. As soon as I get to Kansas (3.5 weeks from now) I'm reading it!
Oh my gosh, that is such good news, Lauren! Congrats!
And hearing about the Jay Asher NJ signing is making me sad, because I was almost going to go. I would've loved to have seen both Jay and you! Alas...
OMG--Lenore, I can't believe you have a copy of BEFORE I FALL! I am so nervous now...and Steph, the reading *was* pretty great but I'll try not to gloat. However, I'm sure we'll catch up at an event soon...and I know Jay travels/speaks a lot so you should definitely check him out when he comes to the east coast again.
oops argh signed in in friend's gmail account that was meeeee commenting anyway I am obviously (again) technologically inept
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