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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hey all...

Alright, let's get this party started. In celebration of my favorite motto (and favorite t-shirt--modeled below at 8 a.m. this morning on the street outside my house in Brooklyn, and courtesy of the wonderful Becky Anderson of Anderson's Book Shop in Naperville, IL), I'm launching a READING IS SEXY GIVEAWAY CONTEST.

Here's how it works:

+1 point just for commenting back (with email included), by completing this phrase: Reading Is [BLANK]. And don't say Reading Is Sexy. That's my line. Find your own adjective!

+2 points for being in a book club. I'm trusting you to be honest about this, peeps...particularly for those of you who for "security reasons" (ummm...Lenore) can't provide photographic evidence of its existence.


But what do you have to do for +3 points? you may well be asking. The answer is: Nothing! Today is a day when I am doing away with the number three, for no good reason whatsoever. Hey. It's my blog, and I can play like I want to.

Onto the next question: WHAT WILL YOU WIN? You will win a signed copy of my book, BEFORE I FALL, along with signed bookmarks, and perhaps a sneak peak at the first chapter of my new book, DELIRIUM--which won't even be out until early 2011 and is super hush-hush!!!!

This contest runs until April 3oth and is open internationally.



Kelsey said...

+1 Reading is Life
+2 YES I'm in a book club :)


kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com

bookaholic said...
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bookaholic said...



Anonymous said...

+1 Reading is a Superpower!
+2 (maybe) i participate in an online book club every month... does that count?

Anonymous said...

+1 Reading is Fantabulous. :)


Sherry said...

Reading is EVERYTHING!

Please don't enter me as I just won a signed copy from the wonderful Heidi Kling.. I just wanted to play along!! :)

Linna said...

+1 Reading is fun!

Even if i don't this super fabulous contest (awesome shirt, by the way!) I'll probably win the award for 'lamest answer' xD 2011 can't come soon enough. I can't wait for Delirium!


Unknown said...

Reading is ENCHANTING!!!
Heck yes I am in a book club!


Sara said...

+1 Reading is sustenance.

Thanks for the contest!


Anonymous said...

+1 Reading is AIR

kpic724 (at) gmail (dot) com

+2 points for being in a book club: I'm a staff member on Open Book Society

Jessica B said...

+1 Reading is anti-social. XD
+2 Well, that depends. I'm on an online shelfari book club. Here's the link to that: http://www.shelfari.com/groups/36004/about

Not sure how many points that counts for.

shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom

Katie said...

+1 Reading is awesome! =]

Sadly I am not in a book club but I am thinking about joining one soon.


Espe said...

Reading is REAL

I am a part of a book club, and I can send you pictures, but please don't enter me. I already have a signed ARC from you :)

Anonymous said...

+1 Reading is right! ;)

Not in a book club unfortunately, just thought I'd throw my quote out there.

ureniatsiko (at) yahoo (dot) com

lanna-lovely said...
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Lena1xoxo said...

Reading is Smexy...


+1 Reading is dreaming.
+2 Yes I'm in a book club. Currently reading The Summoning and Beautiful Creatures. :)

Thank you, Lauren!!!


Karen said...

Reading is the cat's meow!

Sorry - no club :-(

nr said...

+1 Reading is "Happyness" :)
(misspelled on purpose! referencing the pursuit of happyness.)

and no book club. :( Although i really wish i was in one. in fact, i was just talking to my friend yesterday about the fact that i wanted to start a book club with him! no joke! true story! can i have like.. a half a point for that? haha.

but whatever! I'm just glad enough to find out that your new novel is coming out eary 2011!!!!! aaahhhh! CAN'T WAIT!!


Anonymous said...

Reading is an adventure
Reading is my escape

(I thought of a million, but those were my two favorite:D)

Sadly, I'm not in a book club. But i'm working on getting one together with my friends. I'm telling them all to read Before i fall so we can discuss it (:


Jessica Love said...

Great contest!

+1 Reading is what all the cool kids are doing.

+2 Heck yes, I'm in a book club! In fact, I'm in two! One online and one IRL.

+4 I don't have a picture of my online book club, but here's my IRL book club!
We were discussing The Handmaid's Tale at this meeting.

foreveryalit at gmail. com


Reading is breathing.



Chachic said...

+1 Reading is living vicariously through fiction!

+2 Does an online book group count? But we're meeting for the first time this weekend!

Thanks for this awesome contest. :)


Thuy said...

Reading is my addiction.


vision.nguyen AT gmail DOT com

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

Reading is pimp!

(No, I don't normally go around saying things are pimp, but I had to think of something fast, lol)

+2 I am in a book club at work. We're reading As You Wish by Jackson Pearce and I will be back to post a picture of us 4 :)


Bianca said...


+2 I participate in my public library's book club in the summer! They have this awesome teens program. Does that count?

infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

Thanks for the awesome contest!

Unknown said...

+1 Reading is my breath

+2 Yes I am in a book club!

pirate_pony2 at yahoo dot com

JaevenStar said...

+1 reading is a temporary escape from reality!

+2 I actually run two book clubs, one online and one IRL We meet in two weeks to read Bloodroot by Amy Greene (I am going to try to push for us to read Before I Fall this year, too.)

+4 Here is a link to the picture of us in our book club

My email is jaevenstar@gmail.com

Connie Onnie said...

+1 Reading is my Boyfriend!

I don't belong to an actual book club but I do have friend who we get together & talk about what books we are reading or have read. They are more book friends rather than a club. I will let you judge if that is point worthy.

Jennie Englund said...

Reading is... ESSENTIAL!

(+ 1 for comment, +2 for 2 different book clubs)

Precious said...

+1 Reading is the ultimate obsession and satisfaction.

Thanks! And the shirt is co cute!! :)


Anonymous said...

Reading is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
(Yes, I have watched Mary Poppins enough times that I can spell that word without Googling it ;D)


Ella Preuss said...

Reading is an escape exit.

ella_press AT live.com.ar

Thanks, Lauren!

Jessy said...

Reading is inspiring!

Love the shirt

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Jennay and Luke the Pup said...

Reading is My Tea Time!!!

(I play golf with my family, but a lot of the times I choose to not go so I can read. And if I do go...you can bet on it that there is a book with me!)


Sara said...

Reading is COOL (That's right jocks! Reading is the new thing ;))

I'd love to be entered in the contest, I've heard so many great things about your novel!


Sylvia said...

Reading is LOVE <3
My heart breaks once it comes to an end:)

I would really love to win because of the amazing prizes! A sneak peek of DELIRIUM? What more could I ask for!? Thank you so much for this contest:)


Christinabean said...

Reading is 'me time'.

Sadly, I am not part of a book club but I would still love to be entered in your contest. Can't wait to read Delirium! Keep up the great work Lauren!


Katie Anderson said...

Reading is infectious.

Can't wait to read your book. I've heard SO much about it!


Ashley said...

Reading is healing.

I am an on/off member of my family book club, and a book club that is just trying to get started using online stuff. We are all across the country, so we are still trying to get the bugs out...

Your book sounds amazing!


Twi-sessed said...

+1 Reading is absolute abandon.

+2 I'm giving myself this one because I belong to a writers group. Does that count???

+4 Picture from Borders in Ann Arbor, MI reading. I'm on the far left in case you forgot. :) Click link below.


Anonymous said...

+1 Reading is FUN!
+2 Online Book Club


Sheere said...

Reading is paradise!

Please enter me in the giveaway!


Jasindo said...

Reading is an escape into someone else's mind.


I can't wait to read your book one way or another!


Emmy said...

+1 Reading is my happiness!! I love reading!

I just read Before I Fall and i am literally OBSESSED!! LOVE IT!!

The Bookaholic said...

Reading is...undescribable. There is no one possible word to describe the pleasure we get from it. (I do however, have a pin that says "reading is sexy")

I am in a book club as a matter of fact. I am in the FHS Mobey Dick Book Club. Althoughg I do not have a photo to go along with it. I also now currently work at a children's bookstore, which intoduced to me the absolute lovliness of BIF. Does that get me some extra points?


iffath said...

Hahaha - love your picture, Lauren! :)

+1 reading is an obsessive bliss <3
+2 I'm in a book club at school!!
+4 picture of our book club: http://www.flickr.com/photos/manchesterbookaward/3038513028/in/set-72157609279324143/

Great giveaway, by the way!

xo Iffath

Bunny B said...

Reading is Bewitching
(Especially if I got to win and read Before I Fall ;P)
bunnybx at gmail . com

nessa said...

Reading is baller.

Nope, not in a book club. My friends don't even read for fun.

Btw, your book is perma-glued in my head. <3

Bidisha said...

+1 Reading is LIBERATING.
Such a great contest, Lauren. Thank you!!


Sonya said...

Reading is.... like oxygen!
I'm not in a reading group, but I'm a reader for LateBloomer, does that count?

Great pic you schmexy thang!

cocojaz at hotmail dot com


Hannah S. said...

Reading is my shtick.
Reading is the only thing cool in my mundane life.
Reading is the match to my fire. Ooh baby, ouch!

Oh, and I'm in a book club! It began in seventh grade, and we just never stopped. We hold two meetings per month (held at our local bookstore/coffeehouse) and we read ARC copies of books, review them, and discuss. So fun!
I still think it's hilarious that we chose the coffeehouse of all places to hold our monthly meetings. For some strange reason, our seventh grade selves thought that holding a book while drinking a hot beverage (Not coffee but hot chocolate since I wasn't allowed to drink coffee back then. How cool was I?) would make us look instantly sexy. Like that beautiful, tortured, poetic soul we read about this one time... Seriously! I (we) were (are) so lame!
Anyway, thanks for this great contest!

Love, Hannah
Don't make fun of my mad e-mail username, since I was only nine when I made it! It's too much of a hassle to change it now. :)

Oh yeah and I think you're shirt is totally cool!

Anonymous said...

+1 Reading Is Invigorating

+2 I am in a book club (my own). It's the Finer Things Club. If you want to verify, you can check out the page on my blog.

I can't post a picture because I'm not allowed to. :D

Here's the problem: I can't publicly post my real email address. You can email to: wordbirdreplis@gmail.com . Hopefully, I'll remember to check it! (Ack.)

deltay said...

Reading is englightening! :)


Michelle said...

reading is like a box of chocolates

Mm no book club sorry, I don't have one at my school =(


Llehn said...

Reading is my rock star!


Nicole said...

Reading is knowledgeable


Sarah Lydia said...

+1 reading is my escape. (green.flowers.7478@gmail.com)
+2 its just me and a few friends. we dont really have a name so we just call it "Our Book Club"
+4 okay, we didn't have any pics before, so i got my mom to take one of all of us at the library, but she wanted our faces covered. I also have one of just me and one of my friends too. links:::

Shy said...

Gosh, I'm glad that it isn't too late for me to enter this :D

+1 Reading is AN ADDICTION! (I've no intention to reform from this at all!)

+2 Yes, I'm a member of a book club with few friends

Thank you so much. Seriously, I'm ITCH to read the book!


Vanessa said...

I think reading is ADDICTIVE!
Unfortunately, I am not part of a book club, though someday, I hope to be. :)
HOWEVER, I do post reviews through readergirlz.com... and we have monthly book chats. I'm not sure if that counts, since it's just online, but I'll leave that up to you. Thanks. :)

Zithia Bone said...

+1) Naturally, I came up with...well...a lot; Reading is true creativity, Unsurpassed, paramount, preeminent, superlative, awe-inspiring, splendid, astounding.

+2) I am not part of an official book club, but me and my friend Maggie always share book reccomendations and get together to read every other Sunday.


+4) Sorry, no digital camera. :(

Zithia Bone said...

oh yeah, my email: zithiabone.polliniferous@gmail.com

Courtney Rae said...

+1 : Reading is my anti-drug.
(Or should it be Reading is my drug since it's so addictive?)

I'm not in a book club, because there aren't any near me. But I do attend online ones regularly.

email: courtneyyrae@gmail.com

Tynga said...

Thanks for such a great contest!

Reading is.. Addictive! Beware!

I can't say I have a Book Club in the strict form because I live in a french community and YA/UF books arent even available at our librairie. Sad I know.
BUT I am so addicted to books that I am convincing my colleges at work to try in read my books, even if their english isn't the best. So far I rallied 3 of them to my cause lol

Much Love!

Dawn said...

+1 Reading is my favorite!

dawnafra at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Can't believe I didn't hear about this contest earlier, would love to win a signed Before I Fall!!!

+1 Reading is my obsession!


Unknown said...

+1 Reading is paradise.
+2 Twilight Addicts Anonymous: http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/15540.Twilight_Addicts_Anonymous


Travis said...

Reading is fantabulous!

No "official" book club for me... but my friends and I pass around books and talk about them, so maybe that counts?


Anonymous said...

To my life, reading is as necessary as oxygen.

Anonymous said...

Reading is as necessary as breathing.

Anonymous said...

+1 Reading is y Escape

+1I'm in a bookclub, its held every fridays at my school. Currently, we're reading inkheart.


Anonymous said...

Reading is fantastical!!

BN Book club-
IGMS Book CLub (school)

picture: http://s253.photobucket.com/albums/hh68/duhnelle81/?action=view&current=BOOKCLUB002.jpg

Unknown said...

Reading is brain-licking good!

Does it count if I have a book club two? (Me & my baby girl?)

Photo of our book club: http://twitpic.com/1jghfp

Thanks for having the contest!

Unknown said...

and we have sorta a book club at my school, well I guess its a book club. we read a book, then we talk about it once we are over. so i guess maybe you could count that!
but i dont have a picture!oh weell!

GBU Book Reviews said...

+1 reading is addictive!
And sadly no book club no time!
Awesome contest

Anonymous said...

+1 Reading is therapeutic.

thebookvixen at gmail dot com

Brodie said...

Ooh I would love to be entered!

+1 Reading is neverending. (The beauty of reading will never end, because there's always incredible authors like yourself feeding our soul!)


Anonymous said...

Reading is... Beyond words. :)

I'm in a metaphysical book club, if that counts, but no photo. :(



Anonymous said...

+1 Reading is Everything.
To me as a reader, as a writer, as a person. It's just.. magical x)

And I'm SO glad that I discovered you this last day of the contest! I read the description of "Before I Fall" in Amazon and was immediately gripped. Hope I get to READ this book - and giggle at your signature and bookmark ;P

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Content by Lauren Oliver - Copyright 2011. Blog designed by Ella Press Studio - 2011.

Author Photo by Jonathan Alpeyrie - Copyright 2010. Original Font Idea by Erin Fitzsimmons - 2010.