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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Top 10 Things About Germany!

Greetings from the Frankfurt Book Fair that's held in Germany every year. It's the largest trade book fair in the world, and dates back all the way to the 15th century! The first book fair was held not long after Gutenberg invented the printing press. I'll be among 7500 exhibitors from over 110 countries buying and selling rights to thousands of books, but I also get to tour the rest of the country immerse myself in the richness of German culture for a few days! So, without further ado, here is my top ten list of fabulous things about Germany...

10-- German sausage. It's not necessarily my thing, but with over 1500 varieties, they must have something for everyone!

9-- The bread... Hello, pumpernickel! Good day, rye!

8-- Liesl (of Liesl & Po) is from there, or at least her name is!

7-- Cars... Karl Benz built the first car there in 1885 and Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW, Volkswagen and Porsche are all manufactured there.

6-- Oktoberfest! Too bad I already missed it. (It's actually in September.)

5-- Berlin! After that pesky wall came down two decades ago, Berlin became one of the coolest cities in the world with it's bustling art scene.

4-- Geniuses: Einstein, Bach, Beethoven, Nietzsche, Kant, Marx, just to name a few.

3-- The Black Forest. Not only is it breathtakingly beautiful, but it's also the birthplace of black forest ham and black forest cake! Yum!

2-- German beer! From the Bavarian brews to Beck's and the Munich-bred Dunkels, there's no reason to drink anything else!

1-- I'm here, duh! Lauren Oliver in the house!!! :) Plus my girl Lenore of the fabulous blog Presenting Lenore will be throwing down with me! Hollaaaaa.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Germany!!

Hope you're enjoying your time in Frankfurt :)

Beth S. said...

Berlin is my favorite city on earth. Glad to see someone else besides me appreciates its awesomeness. :)

And the beer? Oh yeah. Gotta love how beer is cheaper than soda there. I went to Germany this summer (and got to hang out with Lenore too!) and I'm still craving Heffeweizen big time.

Have you had a Doener yet? They're not German, they're actually Turkish, but those little Imbiss stands are all over Germany and that's the first thing I wanted to eat when I went back there this summer. So delicious!

Unknown said...

I love Germany! My brother-in-law was stationed with the Air Force there a few years ago and my brother and I went to visit my sister while he was deployed. We went to Berlin, Hamburg Leipzig and Burg Eltz. (Along with side trips to Paris, Luxembourg and Belgium.) I loved the country so much that now I sing in a German choir. :)

@Beth S. I love Doener's, too! We had them all the time and I really wish we had them here.

Cristina said...

Hey :)
welcome to Germany. I watched now, how you did read from "Delirium". And finaly we could ask you something. It was so great :) You're so sympathatic !! I hope, I can find the time, to come to your reading tour in Germany :)

Miss Page-Turner said...

I saw you at the erlesen.Tv booth and hoped for a chat with you afterwards, but unfortunately you had to leave early:(

Enjoy your time in Germany!!!

Kokoro said...

Funny to read what you think of Germany as a German living in the USA xD
I love the Frankfurt Book Fair. I usually went there every year since I am 14 (I am 20 right now) but I could not go this year. Next year again^^
I am probably the only german who doesn´t like beer, but I really dislike the taste *urks*.

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