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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Headshots--Opinions, Please!

Okay, so, my friend French Jon (yes, that is what we all call him) recently took new author photos for me. I'm SUPER EXCITED because normally I'm not photogenic at all, but I really think these came out fantabulously. You can chalk it up to Jon's genius...and to the fact that my New Year's resolution was to "learn to take better pictures". (Well, that was one of them. The other one was to "see more movies." Low expectations, people, low expectations.)

Anyway, fun fact about French Jon: he is appearing on The City this season, along with Whitney Port, and in a few weeks he's having a big gallery show and might be featured in a new episode! Yes...he is a legend.

Okay but BACK TO ME. Here are the headshots--do you guys have any opinions about which ones I should use? If so, I'd LOVE TO HEAR THEM. From top, let's call 'em 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (And btw, thank you to everyone who already commented on these on facebook--you're so nice!)

Happy Tuesday, my pretties.



Precious said...

They're all soooo cute!! :) I like the last one best!

Lais said...

I also like the last one the best. They are all gorgeous though! :)

ReggieWrites said...

I love all of them! Especially the first and the last...I think I'd go with either of them =)

Adriana said...

You're so pretty! :D
Umm... I like all, but my vote will be for the last one 5.

Jillian said...

first or last!

Bidisha said...

OMG you look gorgeous!
I especially love the first one <33

Robby said...

I love them all! They're so beautiful.
I love the warmth of your face, your eyes. You are indeed photogenic. :]

Karen said...

All great pics - 1 or 5 if your going for more of a fun look. 2-4 if you want the more "serious author" look :-)

Catie S (Book Bound) said...

I like #2 the best.

RaĆ­la said...

You're gorgeous! I liked the #4 and the #1 the best!

Adele said...

I think two works better for you in the author capacity but I think all of them are lovely.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Daniel and I vote for #4!

iffath said...

These are all gorgeous! Lauren, you look absolutely stunning! :D I think #1 and #4 are both the best! <3

Melissa Ward said...

I really like the last one - very nice :)

Ella Preuss said...

1,2 and 3 are really nice, and I like #2 the best.
They all look good though!

Penny said...

They're all so great. # 2 is the best though, especially for a book jacket.

Ellz said...

Love the last one the best.

Unknown said...

oooh... you look so pretty in all of them but my favorite is the last one! =)

Bethany said...

the second one is the awesomist!!!!

Jenny said...

Love them all! I like the second one the best though!

DJ D. said...

They all look great! #1 and #4 are my favorite, though. :)


Well they're all hawwwt. (Damn, girl! I need to kidnap French Jon.) But if we're talking like, book jacket pics, I'd go with 3 or 4 (3 is my favorite, I think)--they look like YOU, without trying to hard. (1 and 5 are a little modely, in my humblest opinion.)

(I love your resolutions. Cracked my ass up.)

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful and you look sooo pretty in them! My favourites are #'s 1 & 5.

Erica said...

They're all fantastic, but I personally like 1,2, and 5 best. I think 5 is my favorite :)

Jessy said...

I like 5, 3 and 1. I think I like 5 the most though.

Carla said...

I like number four, in fact, I love number four. These are so good!

Malbebe said...

They are all pretty pictures. Its hard to choose just one. Haha, sorry I'm no help.

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I like the first and the second one. The second one is more serious than the first one. And the first one makes you look fun and sassy :)

Anonymous said...

Check you out all supermodel-like. Yowza! I like 2 or 5.

Unknown said...

I like #1

Daisy Whitney said...

Last one, you gorgeous thing!

Anonymous said...

I love the last one! :D

Hannah S. said...

Although all the head-shots are lovely, I especially like #'s 3 and 5.
I like five, well, just because. However, if this is intended to go on the back of your book, I think number three would work best. It represents you, or from what I know of you at least. I only have your book to go by...
Love, Hannah

P.s. New fan right here!
P.p.s. I'm not shitting you when I say you look model pretty!

Anonymous said...

I like the first and last. :D

deltay said...

They all look great :) #2 and #4 are particularly nice though!

Anonymous said...

I think that 2 and 5 would be the best one, especially for a book jacket. Although no doubt all of them are gawrrrrrjus. :)

Oh, I love The City. Looking forward to seeing French Jon in an episode!

mo said...

I am so jealous right now. Not only are you a talented and awesome author, you're also insanely pretty. *facepalm*

Haha, I lovelovelove the first one, but the last makes a close second. :)

Jennay and Luke the Pup said...

Verrrry pretty Miss Oliver! But if I have to choose only one...picture #2 is my fave!

girlsinthestacks.com said...

all are great, but since you asked which ones I say 2 or 3.

Zithia Bone said...

3rd than fourth than fifth. :)

Tynga said...

They are all pretty but #2 is my favorite =)

The Reluctant Mr MuM said...

Hi Lauren found you photo head shot As I myself am also looking to have some Headshots taken for my site. Just wanted to say to look really great . All the best with your writing . Jean-Francois Rodrigues

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Content by Lauren Oliver - Copyright 2011. Blog designed by Ella Press Studio - 2011.

Author Photo by Jonathan Alpeyrie - Copyright 2010. Original Font Idea by Erin Fitzsimmons - 2010.