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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hey? Want a Sneak Peek at Delirium?

...Then check it out, here: HARPER'S DELIRIUM PAGE! Make sure to click through to the excerpt to read the from the first chapter!

And then tell me WHAT YOU THINK (but be nice). :P


Carla said...

Um.....WOW, what an opener!! I *need* this book, like the girl *needs* the cure. Amazing!!

Lynsey Newton said...

I read the first bit about a week ago and am still just as enthralled for the book!! Like Carla, I *need* this book!!!!!!! Very much looking forward to reading it :D

molly (a dazzling distraction) said...

I'm definitely intrigued, and I'm excited for the rest!

Miss Bookiverse said...

o_o I love it! The idea is so great! I can't believe it won't be out until next year.

Unknown said...

Before I met my wife, I'd never fallen in love, though I gave stepped in it a few times.
Some say their love life, like Delirium, is a fairy tale. Grimm.

Love is the answer. Now, what was the question?

Your oldest reader, rich

Unknown said...

oops. Have stepped in it. My kingdom for an editor. Where is Mrs. Rydeen with her red marker, sp.

Emmy said...

It looks AWESOME! Can't wait to read the entire thing!

Twi-sessed said...

What do I think? Of course I'm incredibly intrigued. This new world you've created sounds...well, terrifying. (PS Shhh is the most apropos acronym EVER. How long did it take you to work that one out?) I can't wait to see Lena awaken to the lies and love.

Keri said...

That's just cruel! I have to wait until February of next year to read this? *pouts* A very captivating opening. Really pulls you in...which is why I hate that it had to stop. I'll be looking forward to reading it when it comes out! ♥ I only just finished Before I Fall in the early hours of yesterday morning. Brill.

Anonymous said...

I am SO excited for this book, you have no idea. (well, now you do haha) The premise is just to awesome for words!

girlsinthestacks.com said...

Ummm, Feburary can't come soon enough! That was a great excerpt. Well done girl!!

Mai in Wonderland said...

Wow it does seem really interesting. It seems really different from "Before I fall" that's really good.

Anonymous said...

This book sounds amazing -- maybe even better than "Before I Fall" and I wouldn't have thought that were POSSIBLE! As for love being a fairytale, I have to take issue with that. I've met my husband when I was 17 years old, and today, fifteen years later, I KNOW love is real!

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Sounds like a hell of a book. Can not wait!

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com


A world with no love? You are genius. Can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

That's a great way to view love! I'm interested to see how it develops. I hope the narrator falls in true love and gets to feel the real deal x)
Why do we have to wait until FEBRUARY?! that's cruelty right there.
Can't wait, Lauren!

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Content by Lauren Oliver - Copyright 2011. Blog designed by Ella Press Studio - 2011.

Author Photo by Jonathan Alpeyrie - Copyright 2010. Original Font Idea by Erin Fitzsimmons - 2010.