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Saturday, September 19, 2009

London, London Bridge

Today I am leaving to take my brilliant sister (Dr. Lizzie) to Oxford, where she will be living for two years doing a post-doc (that's a fancy word for what people do after they get their Ph.D.--because obviously, six years of graduate work is not enough!).

After making sure she is safely ensconced on the Oxford campus (where I am convinced, after reading His Dark Materials, by Phillip Pullman, and all of the Harry Potter books, that everyone will be wearing pointed wizard caps and secret doors will give entrance to alternative worlds) I'll be chilling in London for a bit, doing various fun things that may or may not include:
1. Taking the tube.
2. Using the word "chuffed," whenever possible.
3. Ordering chips, receiving fries, and laughing like a maniac.
4. Scoping cute british boys.
5. Meeting my UK editor!!

(This list is ordered inversely, from least to most important.)

I am SO. FRIGGING. EXCITED. Next time I post it will be Lauren Oliver: UK edition.


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
I hope you have an excellent time in London.
Did you know Maureen Johnson is there now too?
(She's twitter: @maureenjohnson)
(She's a great YA writer)
Thanks for sharing,
all the best,
twitter: @RKCharron

Lauren Oliver said...

Awesome! I'm a huge fan of hers. I'll try to get in touch with her. Thanks for letting me know!


Carla said...

You should order a chip butty and be amazed. Oh also, buy some malteasers from the shop, they are yummy and only available in the UK.

Bookalicious Ramblings said...

Ooooh, so jealous!!! Have a great time in London, it's my favourite city in the world! One of my favourite things about it (apart from the tube and the bookshops and parks and the Queen and stuff) is being surrounded by people with the British accent, which I personally adooooore! OMG, so excited for you now, have fuuuun, whatever you'll be doing! Hope we can see some pictures on here once you come back! :)

Steph Su said...

Have fun! Next time you go remember to call me first so I can secretly crawl into your luggage and go with you, okay? :P

Lauren Oliver said...

Chip butty??? Fries in a sandwich??? (I looked it up on google.)


Carla said...

Yep, fries in a sandwich. Best thing EVER

yum, enjoy, and watch out for the 14 year olds, they mayy slap you on the bottom : p

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