Hey all--
The past two weeks have been full of writerly goodness. First, my friend Suzanne Young came to stay with me in BK. (That's Brooklyn, people.) We went out on the town to celebrate the release of her amazing debut novel, THE NAUGHTY LIST. (Buy a copy here or regret it forever!)

And it even snowed!
Then she wished me bon voyage:
.... and I headed out to California, where I met up with some incredible independent booksellers at the Winter Institute in San Jose, and even signed books next to REAL LIVE AUTHORS like Ally Carter (of I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You fame) and the incredible Newberry-award winner Laura Amy Schlitz. Both of them signed books for me!
Then it was off to LA, where I had breakfast with Jay Asher, amazing author of the NYTimes bestseller Thirteen Reasons Why.
He helpfully gave me advice on school visits (he's an amazing public speaker) and even taught me how to use PowerPoint!
A very good week, in other words...
That's so awesome how you got to meet such great authors! Breakfast with Jay Asher? That's amazing!
HOW AMAZING!!! What an experience for sure!!!
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