Home My Books About Me Contests

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Get crazy for DELIRIUM and WIN!

Alright, people, it's contest time!

The title of my second book has been officially selected: DELIRIUM, a dystopian Romeo-and-Juliet story, will be hitting the stores in 2011, and I want to know what you think of the title--so I'm turning it into a contest!

The winner will receive a signed finished copy of BEFORE I FALL, my debut novel, which will be released on March 2, 2010!

Here's how to enter:
Comment back (with email address)-- 1 point
Twitter retweet -- 2 points
Blog about the contest (in sidebar) --3 points
Blog about the contest (in regular blogpost) -- 4 points
Are you a follower? Then you get 5 whole points!

(BTW, "points" in this instance translates to "entries," meaning that if someone comments back, retweets on twitter, and is a follower, he/she will have his or her name entered eight times in the contest, and therefore a much greater chance of winning!)

Hurry, hurry! I am only running this contest now until 2/14. On Valentine's Day I pick a winner. You know why? Because I love you!

Good luck!



RaĆ­la said...

Aw! Is this contest international? Please, tell me because I'm from Brazil and I really hope it is. I'd love to win Before I Fall. It's totally on the top of my wishlist! I'd also think that DELIRIUM is a real good name for your new book, which I'm planning to read as soon as it comes out. I have never read any Romeo and Juliet story neither watched the movie, but I have ideas about what it's like, you know? Thanks! For both: luck and the contest.

By the way, my email is raila.soares[at]gmail[dot]com


+1 For Commenting
+2 Tweeted http://twitter.com/railasoares/status/8602025938
+3 Sidebar link http://booksoutofthebookshelves.blogspot.com/
+5 Old Follower
+4 Blogpost http://booksoutofthebookshelves.blogspot.com/2010/02/news-classes-and-contest.html

THANK YOU again!

Emily J. Griffin said...

I'm sorry, did you just say "dystopian Romeo-and-Juliet?" Those might be my two favorite things EVER! I'm so excited to hear more.

I'm down for the title-- maybe a little more knowledge about the relation of the title to the story? Perhaps you're under strict gag orders... Either way, it sounds great.

Katie said...

Wow that is awesome. I have only recently started reading dystopian books and a Romeo and Juliet one? Sounds amazing. I love the title and I can't wait to hear more about the book.

+1 comment
+5 old follower


Adriana said...

Your new book sounds awesome! Dystopian Romeo & Juliet, can't wait! I also really like the title, it's definitely attention grabbing.

+1 Comment
+3 Posted on Sidebar http://aivbooks.blogspot.com/
+5 Follower


Jessica B said...

Gasp! I love dystopian novels!! And I love the title too. It makes me want a synopsis, like, now. (Please? lol)
shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom

Twitter retweet -- 2 points
Blog about the contest (in sidebar) --3 points
I'm a follower!

Sharli said...

Love Romeo-and-Juliet-ish stories!
Say it's international please! If so...

Twitter retweet -- 2 points
Blog about the contest (in sidebar) --3 points

I'm a follower :)

Kelsey said...

Wow great title! The plot sounds fantastic as well!

+1 comment
+3 sidebar (http://thebookscout.blogspot.com/)
+5 follower

Thanks for the contest!

kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com

Bookish in a Box said...

Delirium sounds awesome! I've been on a dystopian kick lately.

+1 whatinabox at gmail dot com
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/whatinabox/status/8621212040
+3 Sidebar: http://bookishinabox.blogspot.com/
+4 Post: http://bookishinabox.blogspot.com/2010/01/giveaways-week-of-131.html
+5 Follower


Carmen said...

This sounds amazing. Love the title.

+1 Commented :)
+2 Have retweeted on Twitter - I'm craftywhoopidoo
+3 Just about to stick you in my sidebar with lots of superglue :)
+5 And am now following and crossing all my fingers and toes.

Thank you for the chance.

Sylvia said...

I LOVE the title! I think it really fits the premise of the book, and I just have to say, dystopian and one of the greatest love story ever wrapped up in one? I can't wait! Just reading about it, I feel like I'm going to explode with anticipation!!
Thanks for a chance to win a copy of Before I Fall, I really really want to read it so much!
+1 comment
+5 I follow!:)


Melissa said...

I'm with Emily - you are combining two of my FAVORITE things in this book!!! But also that I'm really curious how this relates to the content... it's not as easily identifiable as "Before I Fall" with the plot to that one. You've intrigued me. =)

iffath said...

Title is PERFECT!! :D I canNOT wait to read it! :P

+1 comment & lovereadingx(at)googlemail(dot)com
+2 Retweeted http://twitter.com/OliverBooks/status/8596869474 (I'm @lovereading)
+5 Follower :)


Susan Adrian said...

I love the title! And I can't wait to read BEFORE I FALL...a friend is raving over the ARC, which I wanted to pilfer.

+1 comment (susan(dot)adrian(at)gmail(dot)com
+2 tweeted (susan_adrian)

j said...

Delirium sounds fantastic! Got something to look forward to in 2011!

Comment +1
Retweeted +2
Blog in sidebar +3
Following +5

Total: 11 points!

Catie S (Book Bound) said...

This is a really good book year. I can't wait to read this one. My wallet & bookshelves hate me because I keep getting reccomendations.


Comment -- 1 point
Twitter RT -- 2 points
A follower? -- 5 whole points!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Hi Lauren! I love the high-concept pitch of DELIRIUM. Is it too early for a short teaser summary? Because I have a dystopian February going on, and I'd love to feature it :)

Comment -- 1 point
Twitter -- 2 points
Blog Post (Friday Fabulous from today) - 4 points
Stalkerish follower -- 5 points

Total 12 points. Can you tell I REALLY want a signed copy of BEFORE I FALL?!

Spav said...

Sounds great. I would love to win this one.

+1 Comment
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/8689136292
+5 Blog follower


Melissa said...

Any hope you'll do a shmooze & talk tour? I'd love to have my ARC signed! =D

Unknown said...

Before I fall sounds fantastic!

Comment +1
Blog Follower +5


Lauren Morrill (Mona Mour) said...

Posted, twittered, followed, and now begging -er- commenting! I keep hearing such good things about it in the twitter-verse!

lmorrillragusea at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren :) I'm NOT entering; I just wanted to tell you that I am super excited for your book DELIRIUM! I love Romeo & Juliet and I just LOVE dystopian books!

Letter Garden said...

This book is on my wishlist!!! :D

+1 izaya at hotmail dot com
+3 sidebar link http://letter-garden.blogspot.com/
+5 new follower

Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered to this contest! :D You have no idea how excited I am to read Before I Fall! I am so envious of everyone who managed to get an ARC! They have been gushing about it! Oh and I'm even more excited for DELIRIUM, it sounds great! And I love anything Romeo and Juliet!

+2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/readingthisbook/status/8764885735
you might need to follow me to be able to see that.

+4 blogged: http://readthisbook.wordpress.com/contests/

kate.readthisbook [at] gmail [dot] com

Dani. said...

BEFORE I FALL SOUNDS AWESOME!!! I cant wait to read it! And now I have DELIRIUM to pine over too, yay! :)

+5: Follower!


Kelly said...

This looks like an exciting book. Congrats on the upcoming release. The coutndown is on!
+1 commenting kghobbs@gmail.com
+5 follower
+2 tweet: http://twitter.com/OliverBooks/status/8648985419 It is a retweet from your original post.
+4 blog post: http://kghbookhunter.blogspot.com/2010/02/win-before-i-fall-by-lauren-oliver.html

Kirthi said...

+1 for commented: raokiki6@gmail.com
+5 follower

I'm sorry, I'm super busy, so I can't do all the extra entries, time consuming. But I really want to read Before I Fall, it sounds like a great book.

Sherry said...

Wow love the name. It's exciting thinking about your next book because I have heard so many great things about your first one. Can't wait to read Before I Fall, and thanks so much for the chance to win it! :D

+1 Comment
+2 Retweeted @ssalach21
+3 Added to my sidebar. www.flippingpagesforallages.blogspot.com
+4 Made a post about this.
+5 I am a follower!

15 total!

Thanks again!


Unknown said...

I love dystopian novels! The title sounds amazing! Great choice, I think.

+1 for Comment
+2 Twitter retweet http://twitter.com/_elizabethjoy/status/8777040528
+5 for following!

Thanks for the contest!


pirate_pony2 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Commented :D Thank you soo much I REALLY cant wait for this book to come out!

Posted a Sidebar - www.book-crazy.com

Tweeted but dont know how to link -

Follower :)

Thank you soo much
Jenn @ book-crazy.com

Readingjunky said...

DELIRIUM sounds like a book that would grab my eye on the bookshelf. I confess I'm a big "judge a book by the cover and title" reader. I think a lot of my students will be interested in a Romeo & Juliet story, too.



+5 a follower

Emma Michaels said...

Wonderful contest idea! DELIRIUM sounds like the perfect name! I know that it would definitely get my attention. Plus, a dystopian Romeo-and-Juliet story. Who wouldn't love that? Sounds amazing and I am looking forward to it coming out!

+1 for commenting!
+5 for being a follower!

Emma Michaels

Anonymous said...

Delirium sounds like a fantastic title. It definitely gives a feel for what the book is going to be about. I would love to win a copy of Before I Fall.

+1 commented
+5 follower

Jennifer M.

Kristin Rae said...

I think both the title and the premise sound incredible. Can't wait!

+1 kristinrae023@gmail.com
+3 sidebar KristinCreative
+5 Follower

9 total :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Love the new title - love the cover of the 1st book!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

+1 Comment-- I love the title to your new book. It sounds like a book I'd want to read, and this by it's title! And a dystopian Romeo and Juliet story? I agree with a lot of people, who wouldn't love it?

+2Tweet http://twitter.com/KailiaSage/status/8778849200

+3 Sidebar http://readingthebestofthebest.blogspot.com/

+4 blog post http://readingthebestofthebest.blogspot.com/2010/02/contest-at-lauren-olivers-blog.html

+5 Follower


Thuy said...

I'm looking foward to it. I'm a huge fan of dystopian novels and I love the title!

+1 Commented
+5 Follower

vision.nguyen AT gmail DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I really like the title. It stands out a ton which is nice and it sounds really good just from that short blurb. Interesting!!

+1 for the comment
+ 5 I follow

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Unknown said...

I am so excited for Before I Fall! It would be amazing to win! What an amazing contest!

Book title is great, something I would definitely read!!!

+1 Commented - jennifer(at)gmail(dot)com
+3 sidebar - here
+5 follwer
+4 blogpost - here

+13 :)

Jason said...

Sounds great!

+1 comment
+5 follower


Jessy said...

I think it sounds great. Dystopian books are really in right now! Good Luck with the Before I Fall release...1 day!!!

=2-Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Emma015/statuses/8784971279

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Robby said...

Dystopia, Romeo and Juliet..I know I'm going to love it! :]

Comment-1 point
Follower-5 points

runningforamsterdam @ hotmail . com

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

I saw a contest post about this one, but the only thing that REALLY stood out to me was DELIRIUM!! Two of my favorite things in one book, Romeo-and-Juliet and dystopia, and I can tell I'll love it. :D

+1 comment
+3 sidebar
+5 follower


Llehn said...

I love the title! I would so pick out a book called Delirium if I was in a book store because I'm a Sandman fan!

+1 Comment
+5 follower


Kelsy Alexandra said...

delirium is a totally awesome name, especially if its romeo and juliet-esque, so i absolutely lovelovelove the name!!

+1 comment
+5 follower

Jennay and Luke the Pup said...

+1 I love the way the word sounds...I may have to make it a word of the day!

+2 tweeted

+3 blog sidebar

+5 I'm a follower!


Trollololol said...

Delirium sounds TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

I'm also looking forward to reading Before I Fall, I bet you're excited for the release day!

+1 for the comment
+5 I'm following you


Precious said...

+1 Awesome! I love love love the title of your next book! I'm so excited to read your book!

+2 i tweeted: http://twitter.com/precious_shusky/status/8806228930

+3 blogged in sidebar: http://shusky20.blogspot.com/

+5 I'm a follower!

Thank you!


Lais said...

Love the title. Can't wait to hear more about this book. I am also anxious about reading "Before I Fall". Such an interesting book.

+1 Comment and E-mail: LaisaC03(at)yahoo(dot)com

+2 Twitter retweet: (twitter.com/endlessreading)

+5 Follower! Woohoo!

katsrus said...

+1 Congrads. Great title. I would love a chance to win.
+5 I am a new follower.

Sue B

Shooting Stars Mag said...

blog 1


lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

blog 2


lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

blog 3


lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

blog 4


lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Lindsay Frost said...

I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D
5+I am new follower
1+ lindsay15photo@gmail.com


BorostyƔn said...

Delirium is a super cool title!

On the plot: well, I'm not a Romeo and Juliet fan, but I like dystopias. :)

If this is international (I hope so :) please count me in.

+5 I'm a new folloer
+1 szaboszilvia(at)gmail(dot)com

littlereader said...

dystopian Romeo and Juliet sounds really interesting and i love the title!

thanks for the giveaway.

+1 for comment
+5 for follower (thelittlereader)

Test said...

Ooh, I love the title of DELIRIUM. Plus, it sounds like an AMAZING book! I love Romeo and Juliet and dystopias, so I'm sure I'll love it. :)

+1 for comment
+5 for being a follower.


Cats on the Shelf said...

I have been DYING to read before I fall! DELIRIUM sounds fantastic! I've read quite a few dystopian books and I love them. And by the way Romeo and Juliet is one of my favorite Shakespearean works! I have two copies! lol

+1 Comment

+5 Follower


Bianca said...

The title is very intriguing!! I can't wait to read it, as well as Before I Fall!

+1 comment
+3 sidebar at http://wickedgoodbooks.blogspot.com/
+5 follower

infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

Violet said...

Wow! Loving the sound of your dystopian Romeo & Juliet novel! Looking forward to hearing more about Delirium!

+1 comment, email = theeagerreaders[at]yahoo[dot]com
+2 tweet, http://twitter.com/TheEagerReaders/status/9011642967
+3 Blog sidebar, http://theeagerreaders.blogspot.com/
+ 5 follower

Thank you for hosting this Before I Fall giveaway! :)

Sab H. said...

Is it cheating if I enter again!? Or is it only cheating if I win? LOL

I wont enter, but I CANNOT WAIT for DELIRIUM! As a dystopian crazy-fan-freak myself, this sounds like one of the most promising books I've ever read about :D

Anonymous said...

Delirium sounds perfect! Great title. I love Romeo and Juliet stories and have just recently started reading dystopian books. The combination of them sounds like it'll be a fantastic read. :D

+1 Commented with email

+2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/thegoodgonegirl/status/9050392805

+3 Sidebar: http://goodgonegirl.blogspot.com

+5 I'm a new follower

Thank you for the chance to win Before I Fall!

Anna ♥

Sara said...

Before I Fall sounds like a great book! Enter me if this contest is international :)


+1 Comment back (with email address)
+3 Blog about the contest (in sidebar)
+5 new follower!

Ashley said...

I really like the title for the book, and I'll definitely be reading it! :)

+1 booksobsession(at)gmail(dot)com
+3 Sidebar at http://booksobsession.blogspot.com
+5 New follower!

Thanks for the contest.

Justine said...

Oooh, I'm dying for this one. Count me in!

+2 tweeted here
+3 sidebar here
+5 follower! :)
+1 justeena_25(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Kathy Martin said...

Intriguing title! I would grab it to read.

+1 kmartin802 AT gmail DOT com
+2 retweet http://twitter.com/kmartin802
+5 new follower

Julie said...

I've actually been hoping to read some dystopian novels soon and maybe it can change my mind about Romeo/Juliet style romances! The title alone is actually enough to intrigue me!

+2 Tweeted
+5 I'm a follower
+1 breakingdownslowly@gmail.com

Can't wait to find out who wins!


DebzB said...

I like it..... makes me want to know more about what's inside the cover too...

as for the entries:
commented here
retweet (@Debz_B)
newly following

Fire and Ice said...

OOOO I have been wanting to read this! +5 for follower +1 for fireandice.heather@gmail.com
+2 tweeted @fireicephotos

Debs Desk said...

What a great books. Please include me.
+1 debdesk9(at)verizon.net
+5 I am a follower.

Reverie said...

LOVe the Title! It's a word that sounds good and has a lot of weight behind it. Great pick!

I tweeted: http://bit.ly/9lC2p6
I follow you now!

Thanks! And good luck to everyone


Karen said...

Delirium is a great title - makes me wonder what the book is about...hmmm


and RT the contest (teamsheltie)

teamsheltie AT gmail DOT com

FBF said...

I'm so buying the book if I don't win it, but I'll try anyway.
E-mail address: fuzzy_lion_head@yahoo.com
Re-tweeted: http://twitter.com/Fluffybookfae

skyla11377 said...

+1 I Think Delirium Seems Like A Fitting Name Especially If It Is A Dystopian Romeo-And-Juliet Story. I Am A BIG Fan Of Romeo And Juliet So Your Second Book Is Something I Will Be Looking Out For. I Would Love To Be Entered Into This Contest.

+2 I Tweeted About This Contest (@skyla11377).

+4 I Blogged About This Contest.

+5 I Am A Follower Of Your Blog.


Katie said...

Delirium sounds amazing. I have a thing for one word titles. ;)

As for the contest, enter me, please! I've been watching 2 authors gush over how incredible BIF is on Twitter, so I'm dying to read!

+1 Comment.
+2 Twitter. http://twitter.com/sophisti_katied/status/9077725004
+3 Sidebar. http://www.sophistikatied.blogspot.com
+5 Follower.

Happy almost release day!

L8BloomerOnline said...

Yay! I hope I win!

+1 Jennifer Howell jennlynn77@gmail.com
+5 I'm a follower!

lanna-lovely said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Samantha LeAnne said...

I love the name Delirium! And I so can't wait to read it! Romeo+Juliet is one of my favorites and with it being a dystopian novel, I will so be first in line to get it!

+1 Comment/Email (HarlequinTwilight(AT)gmail.com
+2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/SamanthaLeAnne/statuses/9080968526
+3 Sidebar: http://www.harlequintwilightsbookblog.blogspot.com
+5 Follower

Margay Leah Justice said...

I'm with the consensus - I love the name Delirium, but more than that, I'm intrigued by the description of the book. I'll be on the lookout for it!

+1 Comment
+2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Margay/status/9081889777
+5 Follower


S.F. Robertson said...

Great contest! Delirium sounds wonderful. I love the title.

+1 Comment
+2 Tweeted @wastepaperprose
+3 Blog Sidebar wastepaperprose.blogspot.com
+5 Follower


AnAddictedBookReader said...

I loved Before I Fall so I would a finished copy! Congrats on the new title for your next book too...it sounds great.
+5 follower
adrienne2093 at comcast dot net

Anya said...

+1 Great contest! Enter me if this is international:)
I think Delirium sounds wonderful! Very mysterious...it would fit a Romeo&Juliet story quite well:)

+5 follower
+2 tweeted:http://twitter.com/AnyaKapllani/status/9096795093



~The Book Pixie said...

Well darn I think I'm too late but here goes nothing. Knew I shouldn't have gone to bed early last night. XD Great contest Lauren! :D Also I just love the title Delirium!

+1 Comment
+3 Sidebar: http://thebookpixie.blogspot.com/
+5 Follower


Kari Olson said...

Not sure if I'm too late but... here goes nothing =P

+1 comment flamingo1325 at gmail dot com
+3 sidebar http://agoodaddiction.blogspot.com/
+5 follower

Anonymous said...

Ok..retwwet on twitter,post here,will blog on my livejournal,and "Buy Any Book That you write..Almost finished BIF,,,Will not let it end,its My Problem : ) and will have a few copies on order when released..Its That Good.,its that relevant....You are "The Best" we love having you with us..Susan Vtc..This will be my first Dystopian Novel."Delirium." Great Name, Sparks my interest..absolutely ...

Unknown said...

lauren, ur a genius! i luv ur book delirium it ws by far better den d hundreds of books i hav read in my life! i cried at the end of delirium! it would be really cool if u wrote another book to delirium! dats how good it is! love ur biggest fan from Ireland, Sophie xx

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Content by Lauren Oliver - Copyright 2011. Blog designed by Ella Press Studio - 2011.

Author Photo by Jonathan Alpeyrie - Copyright 2010. Original Font Idea by Erin Fitzsimmons - 2010.