Hey all--
Ready for your updates from the road??
Friday I had a wonderful event at the Mt. Kisco Borders, just down the road from where I grew up. Pre-event, I noshed on sweet potato fries with the blogger extraordinaire Sharon, of SharonLovesBooksandCats, at the diner I used to go to with my family.

So many special people showed up to support me, including people who have known me since I was in high school, like my former boss, Mr. P, and his lovely daughter Caitlin, and my fabulous high school math teacher, and lots of old family friends (thanks, Hubers and Smiths!). My best and oldest friend, Jackie, was also there, policing the event area like a protective bulldog and making sure that nobody made any loud noises while I was speaking. Check out some pics:
The next day, after a great event in Kingston, NY, I hopped a plane to Ann Arbor, where I had a fabulous reading/signing at Borders, and met so many wonderful bloggers: Tirzah of The Compulsive Reader, Kristi of The Story Siren, Chelsea of The Page Flipper Blog, and Sara of The Hiding Spot. These lovely ladies were just as pretty and smart and fabulous as I'd imagined they would be, and we had a great time. You want photo evidence? No problemo, senorita. See below.
I think you should come to Massachusetts so I can run frantically to the bookstore and give you a huge hug and tell you how wonderful you are.
Looks like you had a lot of fun! I love your boots Lauren!
La Femme Readers
I'm sad that I missed the Ann Arbor signing. I had plans to attend but my ride fell through the day before. Boo. :( But it looks like you guys all had a blast! Fingers crossed that you'll come back to MI when Delirium comes out! :)
It all looks like SO much fun, and I'm very jealous that all these bloggers have met you and I haven't yet. Enjoy the rest of your tour, and come back and do some more events on the East Coast soon so I can meet you! :)
Aw! You look like a model! You definitely should come to Brazil, like I said once. There isn't a Brazilian author I would like to meet and this is so sad! I'm glad to hear you had fun!
Come to San Francisco! I know a few Bloggers that would trek it to come see you!!
I'm so jealous you guys got to meet Lauren!! :D Great pics!!
OK, you officially have the best boots and I am totally going to have to wear boots on on Wed night in Petaluma!
I so wish I could come see you tomorrow in Skokie but I have a forensics meet. =\. Looks like you had a wonderful Michigan signing with the blogger fan club :P I LOVE your boots!
I am so stoked that you are having fun on your tour!! Can't wait to see you when you come to the UK and I can teach you some of our lingo over scones smothered in cream. yum yum :-)
Looks like so much fun! I can't wait for tomorrow evenings event in Petaluma! :)
This blog is a great place to be!
Enjoy California -- and the success of your book -- and all the adventures that come with both of those!
Will watch for your climb up the NYT Best Seller list!
Great pictures, thanks for sharing! The signing seemed like so much fun! Wish I was there! =D
Oh and the spine is absolutely gorgeous!
-Kate at Read This Book!
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