Home My Books About Me Contests

Monday, January 10, 2011

DELIRIUM has just one question for you...

Check it out, here.

Don't you want me, baby? If the answer is yes, then you are in luck--because as the countdown to Feb 1 begins, I am giving away five signed finished copies of Delirium!

In addition, each of the lucky winners will receive a gorgeous book thong, courtesy of my friend Briana of The Book Pixie. How gorgeous are they?? (And how convincing is my Vanna White face?)

Here's how you enter:
+ 1 if you comment back.
+ 2 for a tweet
+ 3 for a whole honkin' blog post.

And don't forget about another HUGE Delirium-themed contest happening now at Deliriously Falling. It's a preorder contest, so it means forking over some cash--but trust me, it will be so worth it!!

Both contests run through the end of the month. So what are you waiting for? Start tweeting/blogging away!


1 – 200 of 385   Newer›   Newest»
Annette Mills said...

Loved the book! I need one of those copies! (Please?) The book thongs look lovely too.

Paula@Reading Lark said...

Sooooooooo commenting- and will be tweeting! :D

Want it, want it in my hand.

Cindy Beggs said...

I cannot wait for Delirium! I've heard nothing but great comments about it!

Chachic said...

Yay, a giveaway of signed copies! I'm really curious about this one since I loved Before I Fall.

Here's my tweet of the giveaway:


Christi said...

Great giveaway, I want it! I loved the egalley of Delirium and can't wait to reread it in all of its finished glory!

Andye said...

I just can't tell you how much I want this book! I'm so excited for its release!! Congrats on its success already!

Andye at Readingteen.net

+2 Tweet!! http://twitter.com/#!/ReadingTeen/status/24635865363910656

Liz Parker said...

Want! :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh so much awesome!

Library Gal @Lost in the Library said...

I loved Delirium Lauren. like,,,love loved it. I'll be posting a review shortly...
Even though I've already read it, It's one that I simply must have so I can read it over and over.

Theresa Milstein said...

I'm commenting! I don't have a Twitter account, but I will share this on FB.

Book Kritik said...

I liked delirium and thought it was ok. I'd love to have a hard copy of it. I know when it comes out i'll have to buy it but the bracelet is just so, beeeeautiful.

Niii said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dayse D. said...

I don't have a blog, so I'll be focusing on tweeting. HAAAARRRD.

Wee Shubba said...

Hello, i really want to win

I have tweeted

and here is my blog post


Anna said...

I have access to an E-galley, but I don't like reading on the computer. Maybe I'll win a finished signed copy. :D
Do you know if you're comming to Washington for a book signing after it comes out?

Dayse D. said...


Wee Shubba said...

for to put link to my tweet


Jessi E. said...

I very much want to read Delirium! I have heard so many wonderful things! :)

I've also tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/elliottreview/status/24637064859357185

jlelliott08 AT gmail DOT com

Niii said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
irebporti said...

I am SOOOO excited for Delirium!
Here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/ObLaRee/statuses/24635758568542209
And here is my blog post:

danya said...

Fabulous giveaway! Can't wait to read Delirium :)

Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Word_Tapestry/status/24637553332191232

Emily (YayLife) said...

i'm so excited about this particular release. SO excited. i love the concept. i've wanted it since the summer. i must have it! ahhh!

here's the link to my blog post:

Here is the link to my tweet:


jpetroroy said...

I'd love to win! How generous!

I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/jpetroroy/status/24637936934854656

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

Paigeewa said...

Yay for books! I bet it's amazing and the book thongs are so cute!

Vi Win Win said...

I SOOO want this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

vi3ti3abe at gmail.com

Vi Win Win said...

i tweeted:


vi3ti3abe at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Yay! I have been reading reviews posted by those lucky bloggers who rec'd copies and wanting, wanting... Put me in the drawing x2. Here's the link to my blog post about it.


Anonymous said...

oops, didn't paste the link: http://proseandkahn.livejournal.com/179878.html

Sorry! brenda

Niii said...

I want this Boook!!!!!!!
I'm excited for it!

+2 http://twitter.com/#!/NicholeLiny/status/24637608642482176

Just So Jess said...

Loved Delirium! Can't wait to get a hard copy to put on my shelf :D
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/justso_jessica/status/24641398640738304
And blogged:

Have a great week!

JaevenStar said...

A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. book! I hope I can get my own copy!!



Laura said...

Here's my blog post: http://lauraplusthevoices.blogspot.com/2011/01/delirium-giveaway.html

Ashley said...

Oooh! How totally awesome! I loved Before I Fall, and have been anxious for Feb! Would love to win! :)

basicallyamazingbooks [at] gmail.com

Laura said...

And since it didn't post the last time, I also tweeted and retweeted about this book. Looks very interesting! I hope I win! Where and when can I buy the book if I don't? :)

Anonymous said...

OMG I am sooo excited for this book!
Heres my tweet (+2): http://twitter.com/#!/AussieBookShack/status/24643916858925056
And Blog post (+3): http://aussiebookshack.blogspot.com/2011/01/delirium-giveaway.html

Chloe said...

+1 Can't wait to read Delirium!! It looks AMAZING. Thanks for the chance to win :D

+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/chloeeesays/status/24644104675659777


Jonathan said...

+1 The days are dwindling and i'm getting so excited!

Unknown said...

+1 I'm super excited to read it! I absolutely loved "Before I Fall"!! :)

Lexie@BookBug said...

+1 I cannot wait to read this book! I've heard so many good things about it.
+2 Tweeted at http://twitter.com/#!/LexieBookBug/status/24650029385908224

Anonymous said...

+1 I loved Delirium!!! Can't wait for Feb.!

Kim Pickett said...

+1 What an awesome contest! I'm dying to read this. Thanks Lauren!

+2 Tweeted!
Lauren Oliver giving away 5 copies of Delirium! http://laurenoliverbooks.blogspot.com/2011/01/delirium-has-just-one-question-for-you.html

bookbutterfly9 at gmail dot com

Lucia (iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books) said...

Omg I really want to read this book. And the book thong is so pretty!!

+1 Comment
+2 Tweeted (http://twitter.com/#!/Leecheeeee813/status/24651764519149568)

Thanks for the giveaway!! :)


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Once Upon a Twilight said...

Great Giveaway chance.

+1 The book thongs are lovely!

+2 http://twitter.com/#!/TwilightsDance/statuses/24651460788621312

+3 http://www.onceuponatwilight.com/2011/01/lauren-olivers-great-giveaway.html

Yara @ Once Upon a Twilight!

Unknown said...

+1 I cannot WAIT for Delirium. If this is international, please count me in! :D

Thanks so much!


Tabathia B said...

I really want to win this for my daughters
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Saba M. said...

I've heard so many great things about this book! I really want to read it! I hope I win (: Thanks for the great contst!

tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SabaMolai/status/24653088929357825


Tabathia B said...

+ 2 tweet

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Ricki said...

Delirium sounds amazing and I love bookthongs!

BLHmistress said...

OH this is a awesome giveaway, Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.

Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/BookLovershaway/status/24654420595703808


Aylee said...

Want! I would love a finished copy to put on my shelf. The cover is just so beautiful!


Llehn said...

I'd love to play please :D


Orchid said...

Oh my gosh (awesome contest)!! Delirium is on eof my MUST reads for the year. It sounds incredible. Thanks for the great contest. ^_^

hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com

Germaine Dulac said...

I really enjoyed Before I Fall, and I'm now very excited to read Delirium! Thanks for the giveaway!!

+1 Comment
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/germainedulac/status/24657214920720384
+3 Blog: http://lastpagefirst-germaine.blogspot.com/2011/01/lauren-olivers-delirium-giveaway.html


Anonymous said...

+1 Comment
+2 http://twitter.com/MrsTeeMae/status/24635366870880256
+3 http://toturnoveranewleaf.blogspot.com/2011/01/giveaway-delirium-by-lauren-oliver.html

meanmisskitt[at]gmail[dot]com :-)

Anonymous said...

I made a blog post!


I also reviewed Delirium on my blog about a month ago. LOVED. IT. Seriously. I passed my ARC along to friends, who also loved it. If anyone wants to read my review, it's linked in the blog entry above.

Thanks Lauren!

Heather said...

That video was made of win (and hopefully I will be, too!) (Also, you're not a dork. I loved how the book kind of danced a little. It was pretty awesome.)

Here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/HeatherTrese/status/24658918655401984

Thanks Lauren!

Jasmine Cervik said...

I've heard nothing but great things about this book! Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

+ 1 if you comment back

Andrea said...

I've heard some great things about Delirium and can't wait to read it!

Cielo Azul said...

AWESOME!! Thanks for the giveaway! I´m dying for read your book!


angie said...

I have been wanting to read this!! And the book thong is gorgeous!
Please enter me!!
+1 comment
+2 I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/bangersis/status/24663746601291777

Gaby317 said...

Thanks so much - I'd love to have a signed finished copy! Loved Before I Fall and my nieces loved it too. : )

Comment +1
Tweeted +2

gaby317nyc at gmail.com

Unknown said...

Commented and Tweeted! (:



Andrea said...

I cant wait for Delirium!!! :D

Carina L. Tai said...

This is definitely an epic giveaway! Thanks so much!

Comment +1
blogged: +3


Hilary said...

This is an AMAZING giveaway! :) I absolutely loved reading your book from netgalley, but NEED it in print! :P

I'd love to win this, and that book thong sounds lovely. :P

xprettyxnxpunkx AT gmail DOT com

Kelly said...

Oh I want!!!!

jksparks at windstream.net

Amy Ellerman said...

I see no dork! :) But I do spy a book I'm crazy excited to read. . . I recently finished Before I Fall, so I'm all warmed up to read your new one. Thanks for doing a giveaway!

Katie said...

I can't wait for Delirium to come out!!!!!


Elena said...

I cant wait to read this book :DDD
my tweet:


Steph said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I can not wait to get my hands on a finished copy!!!


Teril said...

Yes I agree the snippets on the net have been amazing in talking about Delirium, I cannot wait!

+1 comment
terilhack at gmail dot com

Mandy IReadIndie said...

+1 wow wow wow! a book thong? never heard it called that...but like it!!
+2 I be tweeting http://twitter.com/twimom101/statuses/24683584929402880
+3 oh and blogging too http://twimom101bookblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/delirium-contest.html
twimom101 at yahoo dot com

Stacey Brucale said...

I'd love to win this! Thanks for the chance!

+1 comment
+2 tweet: http://twitter.com/?status=LAUREN%20OLIVER%3A%20News%2C%20Thoughts%2C%20and%20Miscellany%3A%20DELIRIUM%20has%20just%20one%20question%20for%20you...%3A%20http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FgHRI2O%20via%20%40addthis#!/squiggles87/status/24689601889181697


Julia @ That Hapa Chick said...

Ohhh book thong! The name cracks me up. They're bookmarks right? Oh man a signed copy of Delirium? MAJOR AWESOMENESS!!! :D

I also tweeted about the contest!

Julia @ That Hapa Chick


Libby said...

Would really like to win.


+1 comment
+3 for blogspot http://supernaturalreviews.blogspot.com/2011/01/win-delirium-by-lauren-oliver.html

Unknown said...

I am so excited to read Delirium! Thanks for the chance to win :)

swordsforfighting at yahoo dot com

Khyla said...

+1 Thanks for the great giveaway! I can not wait to get my hands on a finished copy and read it :)

+2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/khyla_rahchelle/status/24697484248883200


latishajean said...

+1 Can't wait to read this book sounds so good great giveaway thank you so much for the chance :)
+2 Tweeted too

Anonymous said...

+1 I can't wait to read this book (again!)
+2 tweet:http://twitter.com/KailiaSage/status/24698142406475776

twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

Caitlin said...

Looking so farward to Delirium! Have heard nothing but wonderful things! Thanks so much for the giveaway!~
+1 commenting
+2 tweet: http://twitter.com/ScarrletReader/statuses/24703028145692675


Anonymous said...

Reading an e-book copy right now... wish I could have the print copy!

+1 for comment
+2 for Tweet via CynnieLee24

Bonnie @ A Backwards Story said...

I'd love to be entered. +1 for the comment, I guess. I already have it pre-ordered, but would love one with your lovely autograph (I wish you were coming nearby)! :)

Doris_to catch a falling book said...

It looks great! I love it! I want it! lol
Twitter via Doris1310


Diana said...

+1 thanks for such an awesome contest! Hope I win :))

Jenny said...

I would love to win a signed Delirium and a shiny sparklie!
Thanks for the chance to win!

NeuroHormone said...

I have a countdown for the results of my exams:
9 days. This is a year and a half work. If I'm in the 300 first (we are 2400), I have the chance to maybe become a doctor. =D This is what I wish for this month: good surprises.


Anonymous said...

+1 Thank you for the contest!

+2 My tweet http://twitter.com/Francesca_fr/status/24747032233119745

+3 My post on my blog http://francescaworld.wordpress.com/2011/01/11/delirium-contest/


Kitten said...

hello !

thanks for the contest!
+2 i'm tweet http://twitter.com/#!/elisebaba


Cass said...

+1 Comment

Enter me if this is international, please! I've already read Delirium--love, love, love!

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Sylvia said...

Thank you so much for this contest! I can't wait to read Delirium, I've been waiting for it since I finished Before I Fall!:)

+1 Comment
+2 Tweet

I hope I win:)


Mrs. DeRaps said...

OMG. Really? This is so very cool! I would love to have a signed, finished copy to share with my students. I read this fabulous book, but it was for an ARC tour. Alas, I had to send it off. I am from Maine and my students would love all of the Old Port references!

Thanks for this amazing giveaway.

+1 Follow
+2 Tweet (http://twitter.com/mrsderaps/status/24794768953319424)

Thanks again!

mrsderaps @ hotmail . com

Kristi said...

Oooohhh, I'd LOVE to win this...it's on my list of 2011 must reads! Please enter me! ;)

wardkristi (at) hotmail (dot) com

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said...

This is fantastic! Who doesn't love a signed book!!! Thanks for the chance to win.


evillilpixie said...

I would love to have one of those copies! Plus the book thong is amazing!

Anonymous said...

+1 Thank you for the contest!

+2 My tweet http://twitter.com/_LiLy_M/statuses/24810948304838656


JR said...

Book please!! It looks great, and I can't wait to read it.

Misha said...

Thanks a zillion for the contest!
I would love to win the book, if it's International :)


lindseybousfield said...

I'd love to win this!

Stephanie C said...

I would LOVE to win this book! I've heard nothing but great things about it and the whole concept really intrigues me. I'm an avid reader and I'm always looking for an epic love story. I hope to win, I can't wait to read this one!

Unknown said...

Oh yes please! Pick me! Pick me!

+1 for comment
+3 for blog post here: http://bookaholic-worm.blogspot.com/2011/01/featured-giveaway-lauren-oliver.html

SO dying to read this book!

A.J. said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! :)

+1 comment
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/woven_/status/24824655567134720


Anonymous said...

Oooooh I can't wait!
+1 for the comment

Idris said...

OMG! Thank you for the giveaway! This book looks amazing, the cover is beautiful, but the plot looks much better.

BTW, Yeahh I want you baby!!! : D


Maroon Wombat said...

I would love a copy!

Unknown said...

I don't have a blog or a twitter account, so I'll just have to make due with one entry for commenting :)

Anonymous said...

I read an ARC of Delirium and loved it. I would love to have a finished copy of my own! Thanks for the chance to win! seescootread[at]gmail[dot]com

Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/seescootread/status/24849146460504065

+1 comment
+2 tweet
= 3 Total

Anonymous said...

I WANT ONE! I WANT ONE! OH PLEASE OH PLEASE! Here in Ut they are so deprived of books! Hunger Games just barely got here! And it still hasn't entirely been caught on to yet! Please oh please! I will get your book started here so it will be HUGE! I have been after a copy of this book since November! I'd love to have one! :) Thanks a ton! You're the best! It looks like a beautifully writen book! +1 Post and In my Blog Post! :)

1A said...

Yes, I do ... want one, baby. Oh, and? I would have WAY too much fun telling people my book has a thong.

Book Nerds said...

I can't wait to read this book!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/FloeticFlo/status/24858043602706432

TweetyB99 [at] aol [dot] com

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

I so want to win this book!!!


Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

I blogged. +3


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Just read the excerpt on HarperCollins website! SO GOOD!! Can't wait to read the whole thing!! So...can I have one please? :]

A.C. said...

I seriously can't wait to get my hands on this book when it's out. Or perhaps a ARC? =D

Miss Bookiverse said...

I want it! :D


Vovka said...

Thank you for this great giveway :D

+1 Comment
+2 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/StVladForum/status/24883425970229248

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love to win this book :)
Pretty please???

Lilie said...

Hello from France :)

Thank you so much for this contest. I can't wait to read Delirium.

Warm regards


+1 Thank you for the contest!

+2 My tweet http://twitter.com/#!/Liliebook/status/24884013160206336

+3 My post on my blog http://liliebook.blogspot.com/2011/01/concours-delirium.html


Anonymous said...

I've heard stellar things about Delirium... hope I win a copy!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great contest! I'm in and I'm tweeting it too so +2 : My tweet :http://twitter.com/evertkhorus

Kind regards,



Alina said...

Oh! This is fantastic! But, I'm from Spain... Can I participate?

Rory said...

It looks like a really cute book. :3

Samantha LeAnne said...

I have been itching to get my hands on this book since you announced it! It's one of my top must-reads for 2011! Can't wait, and Bri did awesome on those cute little book thongs! <3!

Unknown said...

Wow this books sounds a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!! I can't wait to read the book even if i don't win I am definetly getting the book. Pronto!

Anonymous said...

Oh, i can't wait ;D


Megan Butler said...

I've heard some pretty amazing things about this book. In fact, I'm reading the excerpt right now and can definitely see where all this talk's coming from! It takes me forever to find that one GOOD book that I can actually enjoy (You know that feeling, when your expectations get so high after the really good book you read before the one you just picked up?) So I'm excited to see where this one leads me!

Daph said...

I would love to read this book, thanks for the opper

Pisinat said...

Yay! The big day has never been so close! I'm soooo eager!
Thank you for the giveaway, and thanks to Briana for the beautiful book thongs :)


Unknown said...

20 Days 8 Hours 45 Minutes 30 seconds!!!




Brenna said...

This book immediately captured my attention when i saw it! I am dying to read it! Thank you for the opportunity to obtain it and the beautiful book thong through this great giveaway! :)


banana83854 said...

Wow, you wrote another book? thats so cool! Please may I have one?

Jessica said...

Ohhhh, how I'd love to win this!! I've heard so many amazing things about Delirium and I'd freak out if I actually won a signed copy!! EEK!

+1 comment
+2 tweet http://twitter.com/TotalBookaholic/statuses/24927914021621760
+3 blog post http://totalbookaholic.blogspot.com/2011/01/lauren-oliver-is-having-contest.html

=6 total

totalbookaholic at hotmail dot com

*crossing fingers!!*

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Delirium! I LOVED Before I Fall.


Miranda Hardy said...

I am super excited about Delirium! Count me in for one.

DreamyCowgirl @ hotmail.com

Jolene and Family said...

I've heard such amazing things about this book and I can't wait to get my hands on it


CrystalGB said...

Delirium sounds amazing. I would love a copy.


spain108 said...

Yay! I'm excited to read it!

+1 comment
+2 tweet: http://twitter.com/stefaniepainter/status/24932308922400769


Morgane said...

Thanks for the contest i really want this book !

I'v tweet it ! http://twitter.com/Mopraha/statuses/24933130565582848


Krysta said...

I'm really looking forward to Delirium! I have heard so many great things about it. Would love to win this.

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/kirasiren/status/24934178030100480


Kristin Rae said...

The new book sounds great! Enter me please!


Rachel said...

Do you even have to ask??? IwantitIwantitIwantitIwantit!!! (and really really bad!) LOL

+1 for comment
+2 for tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/ivyhawthorn/status/24937982523867136

Thanks so much! Can't wait to read Delirium!!!

ivy AT ivyhawthorn DOT com

Ammy Belle said...

Thanks so much! What an opportunity!
And congrats on the book! :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the contest! I can't wait to read the book :)

+1 comment
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Krysalbe/status/24942009928122368


Eden said...

Awesome contest! Thanks!


Zoë said...

ohh I would love a signed copy, how wonderful :)


lemmy said...

Can't wait to read this book!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for this book. Can't wait.


District YA said...

Amazing Contest!! I have heard such great stuff about the book & cannot wait to read it!!

Hoping this is an international contest??

+1 Comment

+2 Twitter link


Unknown said...

I can't wait for Delirium! I absolutely LOVED Before I Fall and Delirium sounds soooo good!
+1 comment
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/brynnerox/status/24947342327160832


Juliana Piovani said...

Oh my,this giveaway is just perfect!!Thank you!!
Here's my tweet about it:



Dreanda said...

I am excited for this book!!! Please send a copy this way ;)


Unknown said...

OMG! Soooooo excited! Can't wait till February!


Marisa said...

I'm so beyond excited for Delirium! Before I Fall is one of my favorite novels, and I'm sure this will be just as good, if not better!!

I tweeted :) http://twitter.com/#!/mleedancerr12/status/24968866010501120


Ella Preuss said...

That video is beyond hilarious.
Just, :P


TwizzlersEveryday said...

This book looks soooooooooo good I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy somehow and read it XD

-petit said...

Delirium is ready! 8D I'm so anoxious for this book!

I tweeted :D http://twitter.com/#!/petit_sayumi/status/24971511353835520


Qandthebooks said...

Can't wait to read it!


Krystal said...

Would really love to win this book!

Thanks, Lauren.
I tweeted for you - http://twitter.com/#!/krystal_osmond/status/24980942493843458


Ria said...

If this happens to be open to residents of Canada, then count me in! And either way, I Tweeted about the contest, because I want to spread the word about how great a book Delirium is! http://twitter.com/#!/tea_and_tomes/status/24982378900361216

Laura H. said...

Have heard a lot of great things about this book! Just waiting on the opportunity...hint, hint. :-)

Tweeted giveaway: http://twitter.com/#!/MamaHendo3/status/24984484986228738


Anonymous said...

Gah! Did you know I actually looked at the summary of the novel a few weeks ago even though I've been seeing this book for half a year?! Yeah, sad, I know. And let me tell you it sounds PHENOMENAL ! Thanks for the awesometastic contest!

+2 Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/LostinBelievin/status/24987083441442816

Total: 3

Thanks again!


J. Lewis said...

i want this sooo much! huzzah! sign me up!

lulilut said...

I'm looking forward to reading Delirium!
Thanks for the giveaway and the book thongs looks so pretty! Thank you too The Book Pixie!
Tweeted here:
Blogged here:
+6 total
d.septer at insightbb.com

Anonymous said...

So excited for this book!!
Thank You!

samantha.thomson said...

The book looks fantastic!
I commented and tweeted :)

Beth S. said...

Awesome giveaway!

I blogged it too:

beths0103 at yahoo dot com

kel said...

YESSSSSSS so exciting! i want it!

Abby said...


Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/WabunGirl

Marie said...

I want that book so bad! Thanks for the chance to win!

sadly, I don't have a twitter or a blog, so no extra entries :(

ako4eggs at comcast dot net

Kritters Ramblings said...

I have read and reviewed the book - SO good my first dysopian and I am seriously waiting for the rest of the series!


Anonymous said...

Sounds positively amazing and orginal. Here is my entry; thanks!

honestly_lying at yahoo dot com

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

The video is awesome!! I do want Delirium, I really, really do!

Briana's bookthongs are so pretty (as is Delirium) so thanks for the giveaway.

Tweeted it too


Tammy Cordeiro said...

Oh my God! I loved this book so much! I would be thrilled to have an autographed copy!

I posted the contest on my blog....


Thanks so much for the chance to win this!

Anonymous said...

O my gosh I want it! haha but then again so does everyone who wrote these wall posts. I can trade you a signed copy of Whispering Loud and Clear cuz my dad is the author.... i probably shouldn't be trying to bribe you..... haha o well. :) love your writing!

P.S this is the email i check

Michelle said...

Excited for the book!!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVED Before I Fall, it left me in tears at the lost chances, and gained experiences.
I immediately went on your site to see what else you'd written, and was excited beyond belief to see that Delirium would be coming out soon!

I'm looking forward so much to reading it! This is a great opportunity.

mariska said...

yes, i want the signed copy !!

+1 comment
+1 tweeted : http://twitter.com/#!/becunique/status/25025936499941376

uniquas at ymail dot com

Lucy said...

I would love this!!!



Anonymous said...

I really want to read this book! Thanks for the chance to win.

+2 Tweet:


Total: 3

Karina said...

I am sooo excited!!

Nancye said...

Great book! I'd love to win a copy! Thanks for the chance.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...

Tweet! Tweet!


nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...

Tweet! Tweet!


nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

25kati said...

Hey, I would love to read your book!
Blog post: http://klearsreviews.blogspot.com/2011/01/wonderful-contest.html
Twitter update: http://twitter.com/#!/25kati/status/25038983167746050

Taffy said...

GREAT giveaway! Good luck in your new release!

(aspiring writer!)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I cannot wait to read this book!

+1 Comment
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Luna_Blake/status/25050638303895552


ansindt said...

Looks like an awesome book. So excited to read it!

Natalie @ Book Lovers Life said...

Would love to be entered please


Laura Flanagan said...

I waited another book after Before I Fall. Thanks for the giveaway :)

gamaclamor said...

Thanks for this! Can't wait!


Gaby G said...

I can't wait to read your book and the book thong is gorgeous! Please count me in if it's international.

+ 1 comment
+ 2 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/magabygc/status/25161965315817472

magabygc AT gmail.com

Laura Flanagan said...

I forgot putting the links, hehe:


Darlyn said...

Thank you for the chance to read Delirium!

+1 comment
+2 twitted http://twitter.com/#!/darlyn5/status/25193317507530752

darlyn225 at gmail dot com

Thanks again!

Amanda said...

Thank you for hosting this great contest! I'm sure you will be getting TONS of entries - Delirium seems to be one of the most highly anticipated books of 2011. (And rightly so - it's fantastic!) Even if I don't win, I will definitely be snapping up a finished copy to sit next to the ARC on my bookshelf. :)


Lindsay Cummings author said...

woohoo! read the excerpt yesterday and i'm psyched!!

Lindsay Cummings author said...


Kimberly Sabatini said...

Pick me! Pick me!!!!

+1 Comment
+2 Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/kimmiepoppins

Hannah Marie said...

I've only heard wonderful things about this book! Can't wait to read it.

+1 comment
+2 Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/hannahmatkins/status/25228528727367680


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Content by Lauren Oliver - Copyright 2011. Blog designed by Ella Press Studio - 2011.

Author Photo by Jonathan Alpeyrie - Copyright 2010. Original Font Idea by Erin Fitzsimmons - 2010.