Okay, so maybe I'm not EXACTLY emulating her expression...but you get the idea! PANDEMONIUM ARCs have arrived chez moi, along with several finished covers, and OMG YOU GUYS!!! They are so, so beautiful...seriously. They defy my powers of description!
Here's a little teaser from the book, which is excerpted on the back:
"So what was your name before?" I say, and she freezes, her back to me. "Before you came to the Wilds, I mean."
For a moment she just stands there. Then she turns around.
"You might as well get used to it now," she says with quiet intensity. "Everything you were, the life you had, the people you knew...dust." She shakes her head and says a little more firmly, "There is no before. There is only now, and what comes next."
Peeps, I'll be doing some massive giveaways, but not until later in the fall...so stay patient, and stay tuned!
I am SO excited!! Can't wait to read it!
SO excited!!!
I can't wait ro read it!
It's so beautiful S2
I am giddy in anticipation. Want to read this book so bad!
So exciting! YAY beautiful! :)
*fiddles with fingers and wait impatiently* lol
They look beautiful!
So excited I can't wait!!
so excited. so excited. so excited!!! honestly, can't wait for this book. Pandemonium isn't even out yet, and I can't wait to see how the Requiem cover looks . . . I can only imagine the beauty . . . . . .
Excellent news - it means that the book is that much closer to release day!
*grabs the copy from Lauren's hands and runs away* mwahahahaa!! hehe, nah, I wouldn't steal a copy from you, but I would love a copy *bats eye lashes* :)
Uh! This is fantastic news! Boy, that cover looks amazing. Can't wait to read it!
T_T I never win in Giveaways.
That looks amazing! You are so lucky!! (wait, you already know whats going to happen... still, lucky goose!)
Cannot wait. You're very mean for teasing like this!
I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy! You are SO amazing, Miss Lauren Oliver! Xo.
I am SO excited! I really hope that I win a copy in giveaway or am able to get an ARC somehow! I really want to read it as soon as I can! :) Your books are awesome!
I can not wait and those look amazing
O.O I want this book now!!! D':
OMG *freaks out* *can't wait* YAY!!
YAY! Pretty!
O.M.G. The day to read this book cannot come soon enough!
cannot wait xD
I LOVE it!!!! Cannot wait to get my hands on it!!!
This book is going to be great! I'm dying to read it and see what happens!
Your making me so excited! I don't know if I can wait untill feburary! By the way I'm reading Before I fall again. AND you've inspired me to write my own book :) it's taken me MONTHS to get 2 chapters of 16 pages... kinda short chapters, but now I know why it takes so long to write books. So I have to be paitent untill feburary.
EEEEEK!!!! How excited you must be! I would spoon myself to sleep with that beautiful thing all snoogled up to me in bed! WANT!!
Omg Can't wait! So beautiful!!!! :)
OMG! It looks so pretty! I can't wait to read it! I NEED to find out what happens next!! (and I can't seem to stop speaking in exlamantion marks)
Please....keep HIM alive.
My name's Bárbara, I'm Brazilian, and I have a blog (http://a-viajante-dos-livros.blogspot.com/). I bought Before I Fall (in portuguese) yesterday, and now I ending read the book. I spent all day reading, I couldn't stop it. It was fantastic, and now I'm sad because end.
Thank you for giving me so much joy. I'm waiting for the another book.
Ps: sorry for my english, but how I say, I'm brazilian.
is it later yet???
YEEEP! Lauren, I am SOOO psyched! I really, really, just have one wish though: Please, please, tell me Alex is alive. Wait... what if he gets the cure.. what if...
Oh my goodness. I don't know how I can wait.
How frickin' exciting!!! Although I am bummed my Delirium cover won't match my Pandemonium cover, but details. This is amazing for you. Congrats. :)
love the dramatic-ness of it x)
So so so excited for the next book and the sneek previews!
Can you post a picture of the entire jacket? :) And can you say how many pages PANDEMONIUM's ARC is?
HLY CRAPPPPPPPPP!!! omg I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!!! AHHHHHH!! I LOVE. LVE DELIRIUM!!!!! I can't wait to read this! Ah Alex <3!! THANK U LAUREN OLIVER FOR WRITING THIS AMAZING BOOK! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE GIVEAWAY, I NEEED THIS BOOK! Febuary is too far!! AHHHH!!!!!!!! I'm so pumped right now that I can't even type right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!
So excited. It sounds like it could be as good as the amazing first one.
I'm glad that Amazon's Best of the Month has introduced me to a number of authors whose future works I am eagerly anticipating. The unfortunate thing is that they keep recommending authors who haven't written that many books yet, so before long I have to wait months afterward to read another book by them.
Can't wait! I enthusiastically pitched Delirium to the Best Fiction For Young Adults committee at ALA this past summer and I am so excited to read Pandemonium!
Bought Delirium awhile ago, but finally sat down to read it. Took me a day and a half; I couldn't put it down. Loved it and am hooked! I can't wait until the next one!
I love Delirium! I read it in less than 48 hours and I want more!! I can't wait to see what happened to Alex. I have to be honest though-If he's dead I don't think I'll be able to go on with your books :/ So I'm thinking maybe he's imprisoned in "The Crypts" (Great name for it by the way. It sounds so much more... daunting and eerie and well permanent then "Prison" does) And anyway Lena will find out he's alive and have to break in to break him out and save him...huh.. huh? ;) I sure hope so. But I also need to get out that I will be really upset if you put a love triangle in the works like in twilight(It's annoying.) Like if Alex comes back to the Wilds for Lena only to find out she isn't just in love with him but fell for someone else while he was locked up? Ugh I'd be P O'ed! Which unfortuatly is kind of how it sounds (Not that he's still alive) But the whole 'Falling in love..again' part. I REALLY hope that's not the case.
Lauren this is the most amazing sequel ever, thank you!! After reading Delirium, I couldn't read any other book that was just as good, Pandemonium is just the thing I've been waiting for. :D I can't wait!!!
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