Happy Black Friday, everybody! Now that turkeys have been consumed and pumpkins have been eviscerated, I am so happy to announce a massive SPIRIT OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON GIVEAWAY!
The holidays, as we all know, are a time of sharing--and frantic, last-minute gift-buying. In order to do my part to celebrate, I will be giving one lucky reader one signed and gift-wrapped copy of Liesl & Po, perfect as a present for under the tree (or beneath the Menorah!).
I am thrilled to announce that I will be co-hosting this contest along with ten other fabulous bloggers and avid fans of L & P, so be sure to enter early and enter often! A winner will be selected from EACH blog, meaning that ten copies of Liesl & Po will land in the hands of a lucky child this holiday season.
(I'm so sorry to all my international friends, but this is US and Canada-only.)
Good luck, and spread the word!
Not going to lie, my favourite part of the holiday season is THE FOOD! Seriously, turkey, chocolate, nuts, pie. What isn't there to love?
PS. I Tweeted about it! http://twitter.com/#!/AverysBookNook/status/140128473032298496
What I love about the holidays....hmm that's pretty easy. Family and food. Im off from work, so that means I can read all day and hang out with my family. I have the best family in the world. Plus during the hoilday season plenty new gadgets and books come out. So I'm looking forward to that. Also the promise of a new year.
I love the spirit around Christmas time! Everyone is so joyful and happy, it's great. I love seeing all of the Christmas lights and all of the houses and stores decorated for Christmas. It's the most wonderful day of the year!
Hi Lauren!
There are a lot of things that I love about the holidays. I adore seeing friends and family (pretty much every weekend in December for me) to celebrate together and enjoy each other's company. I love the way everyone takes some time just to be together despite the busy-ness of life. I love Christmas carols and white lights and warm cookies just out of the oven. But most of all I think I just really enjoy that moment when someone is unwrapping a gift you picked out for them. Giving people things that they enjoy... that are picked just for them... is one of my favorite parts.
I've already retweeted this competition. What a lovely idea!
I hope you and yours have a lovely holiday!
Hi Lauren, What I love about the holidays is the Christmas spirit. It makes me sing the songs, decorate the house, and lovingly wrap each present for under the tree!
Hope you have a fantastic Christmas!
Thanks for the contest Lauren!
My favorite part of the holiday season is getting to spend time with my family. Either baking or just getting together to talk and laugh together.
We aren't always all together, but the holidays are some of the times that we get to.
What I love most about the holiday season is just the whole spirit of giving without thinking about receiving. Sometimes I think the world is just too darn full of people who only think about themselves, and the holidays provide a chance to remember that giving is actually better than getting.
email: bandrocks95(at)gmail(dot)com
There are SO many things I love about Christmas, but I think my favourite thing is buying presents for other people, especially my Mom. I love spoiling her and finding awesome things to put in her stocking.
Thanks for the giveaway. =)
asherz86 at gmail dot com
My favorite part of the holidays is the music. My mother and I both sing, I grew up in choirs and choruses, and neither of my brothers can carry a tune in a bucket with two hands and help, so the music was always kind of "our" thing. Working retail and hearing really bad elevator Christmas muzak made me hate everything for a while, but I've finally gotten back to the point where my favorite times are when Mom and I sit with projects (or baking) and sing along to the Christmas music.
requiemorain (at) hotmail (dot) com
Hey Lauren,
I think my favourite part of the holiday season (besides the family visits, music, food and presents) is the festive feel that seems to reach farther than you can see and hear. I love the red bows, green garlands, and the white twinkling lights that look like stars that decorate almost every building. I love the smiles that spread across people's faces once the season comes around, and the giving nature that seems to take over. It's as if everything is happier, more sparkly, a little more merry, and so much more festive! It's like when that time hits, BAM! You're smiling like an idiot, watching people sing Christmas carols, giving presents to each other, and just becoming generally more pleasant. Yeah, I think that's what I love about it.
Anyhoo, thank you for this giveaway, Lauren! I've been dying to read this book of yours~ (Along with Pandemonium because the uncertainty of what happens to Alex is killing me D:)
Have a wonderful holiday season!
demi (dot) lee (dot) j (at) gmail (dot) com
Being with family and friends! Not to mention the DELICIOUS FOOD!!!! Oh and the weather isn't too bad either. :)
I love the smells, warm cookies and pine and everything delicious.
Family and friends of course. Curling up under a warm blanket with my cat, a cup of hot chocolate, and a good book. Christmas trees and holiday movies. Eating :)
Happy holidays!
I have also Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/bookbimbo
The chance to study if it's true that men can't stay awake after consuming turkey :)
One of my favorite holiday traditions is decorating the tree with the hubby and my kids. Our favorite part is watching Daddy put the star on top. He managed to break it the very first year we were together and still refuses to buy another so we watch as he tries to wrap the branch around the star to keep it up every year... very amusing :) Happy holidays and thanks for running this giveaway!
I tweeted about the contest as well :)
sunstar2006 at hotmail.com
I love being able to snuggle all the time for warmth with my hubby. The pumpkin pies. The food. The Football. Especially the baked goods :) Just hanging out with the family. Good times.
I love watching the color changes outside. So gorgeous.
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
I love the Christmas magic that sparkles in the falling snow, twinkles in the lights on the Christmas tree and the glows in the eyes of family and friends all holiday season long :)
The thing I love most about the holiday season is being with family! So many great memories are made during this time!
pie :o)
I love seeing my kids enjoy the season! That's truly the best part. Especially my 4 year old. The pure open excitement about the season. Makes me smile over and over.
Well, I was planning to get you to sign a copy at Authors Unlimited next year, but...what the heck? ;)
What I like most about the holiday season is being able to complain about Christmas carols on repeat in the local dollar stores - no sense of diversity or remixes or covers WHATSOEVER. On the bright side, I get to hear plenty of You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.
Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Holidays! <3
I love spending time with family, putting up decorations, and the food, or course!
My favorite part of the holiday season is the snow. I don't think it would be Christmas time if we didnt have cold weather and snow on the ground.
My favorite part of the holidays is decorating the Christmas tree. We always do something fun with the lights and have lots of ornaments to put on, but towards the end we always get a bit frazzled. :)
My favorite part is hanging out with my friends and family!
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/KailiaSage/status/140859189059792896
twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com
I love putting up the Christmas tree together as a family & just spending quality time together.
vi3ti3abe at gmail.com
I love being with family around the holidays and watching Christmas movies!
I am an inner city teacher and I love sharing the spirit of the holidays with my students. They are truly an extension of my family and I love sharing what the holidays mean with them: family, friends, love, the spirit of giving, the spirit of helping in our communities, and the joy of the season! I also love that my family embraces my students as part of our family giving: my parents and in-laws always purchase/make each student Christmas presents and my husband always comes in to read to and visit my kids. It's one of the greatest blessings I've been given and truly helps me to remember the true meaning of the holidays.
girlsnightoutbc (at) gmail (dot) com
Are you the Christmas Doll to have this giveaway, dear Lauren....and the darling under the Menorah, too! What I've loved best for over thirty years about Christmas and still do today is my 5 children, and now my grandchildren. Every second of the day of this month I think of them and dream about how the things I see, books I touch or flip through in shops, and delicious smells of holiday foods will light up their eyes this season. I'm retired to FL, now and they live all over the US: NYC, MA, LA, CA and NV...so we don't get to see each other as often, of course. But, I write them often, sent pictures and stories. I read children's books to my little grads onto cassette tapes (I've sent them all their own Players...3 of them to share)so they can hear my voice and imagine the stories. And we skype when their parents aren't too busy. So, Christmas means the world to me because its a magical time for them. Thanks for asking, and all the warmest wishes to you, Lauren, because you make fantacies alive for young readers! (No need to send me the book, but I hope just the right person gets it..and that it really ends up in the hands of a very special child this holiday.)
Family, I'm always busy and so is everyone else, so it's nice for everyone to be able to slow down and enjoy each other's company for a couple of days.
My favorite part of the holidays is no school, no work. It's all about relaxing and having a blast with friends and family. Presents are also awesome ;)
I love getting a stack of books for Christmas!
I love that I don't have to go to the mall and can keep my holiday spirit intact. Online shopping!
I love getting together with family and how most (not all) people seem to be in a good mood. And I love getting books to add to my bookshelves!
I LOVE the holidays because it’s my birthday! I love hearing from old friends that I haven’t talked to all year and I guess that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Oh, did I mention all the baked goods? Yummy! Happy Holidays!
It's the only time I can watch The Nightmare Before Christmas without getting weird looks from my mom. HA!
I love the food and the decorations.
Here's my tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/NakoyaW/status/145899957461848064
alias.known.yo at gmail dot com
I love the music. I love how on decorating day I can turn on the radio and expect to hear Frank Sinatra and Bing Cosby singing, and memories of when I was a kid flash back in a second. They're always there, perennial and warmth-inducing, and always make me feel at home.
I posted your contest on my twitter account, @thejasonology.
Ah let's see. My fav time of the holiday's are of course the food, I think that is everyone's right?! But other than that it's spending time with my family. My brother is normally overseas and the holidays are the only time that we get to see him so that is always special to me. Oh and Charlie Brown's Christmas is on and I have to watch that every year! LOL! Thanks for the chance, you rock!
deviantzangel @ gmail dot com
I'm just in love with the whole atmosphere of the holidays. Songs play on every radio. Lights are strung across house after house. Every mall is lit and loud and packed to its fullest. All the teens and children hush their whining for the latest gadgets for a few weeks, because they know, soon enough, something wrapped and pretty will be sitting under a tree. People hum in school, in their houses, in stores. Recipes get passed around. Advertisement is everywhere.
The holidays themselves are everywhere.
And it's infectious.
My tweet:
My favorite part of the holidays is all the baking I do! I love to bake and the holidays give me an excuse to do it and make lots of goodies for everyone! lol
The best part of the holidays is spending time with my family and eating a feast on Christmas. :)
My daughter was born on Christmas so being able to celebrate with a big birthday cake. And lots of singing is my fav part.
I love the focus that gets put on family around the holidays. I love spending time with them & feeling the love around me!
What I love about the holiday season is the spirit of the people. There is so much joy and love and it just seems to make everything beautiful!
I love the decorations. I love them not only because they are beautiful, but also because of the anticipation they bring!!! I love that I get to see my best friend and my sister and my high school bunch the same week. I love that my son's (1st!) birthday is just before Christmas, so it's a reminder of how amazing he has made my life.
I guess Christmas is just a great reminder of how much beauty & love surrounds me.
What I like my most about the holidays is that after ten years in retail I finally have my dream job in a library. :o)
I love the time with family and as my kids have grown up, I hear from them how they still love a little simple thing that we do. It makes me feel like we got a few things right, and I'm so grateful.
I heart the look on a friend or family member's face when they are utterly in love with a gift I have picked out for him/her!
I love the treats, the music and seeing my childrens' faces when they wake up Christmas morning and see what Santa left in their stockings.
The holidays have always been a special time for me. Christmas morning my parents, brothers, and I would get up and milk the cows and feed the calves. Then we would get cleaned up and make biscuits and gravy, sit down at the table, and eat together. Afterwards, we opened the presents. This is simple act of working, eating, and playing together is what I enjoy about the holidays.
I love spending time with my family, not going to work/school, and hibernating with lots of snacks, Christmas movies, and new toys. :) I also love sitting in a warm house with all the Christmas lights on.
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