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Monday, November 14, 2011

Tips for the Sickies!

Winter is on it's way, and the change in seasons is bound to bring on the inevitable (and unfortunately, I'm not talking about hot cocoa with extra marshmallows). I'm talking about getting sick. Trust me, I should know: I've spent the past 24 hours in bed with a bad head cold.

Colds and flus will get around like bad rumors for the next few months. Luckily, if you do get sick, you can always curl up with your favorite home-sick-on-the-couch book (my favorite is Matilda by Roald Dahl) and let a great story transplant you to someplace fabulous!

Here are some more favorite sick-time reads:
A Wrinkle In Time (I mean, it BEGINS with Meg huddled in a blanket on a dark and stormy night--what could be more a propos??)
Harry Potter (Revisiting the halls of Hogwarts always makes me feel better.)
Anything by Agatha Christie! (Look, you may have the flu, but at least you're not trapped on an island with a homicidal maniac who is slowly picking off his dinner party guests.)

And some more perks to being under-the-weather....
1--Sleepytime tea. YUM!
2--An excuse to stay in your pj's all day long.
3--People bring you things! (Like chicken soup and mugs of aforementioned sleepytime tea.)
4--Time to catch up on blogging!

If you're still unconvinced, here are some tips to keep you well:
1--Get you flu shot already! C'mon, it's just a pinch!
2--Wash your hands regularly, and don't just cheat all day with sanitizer.
3--Don't touch your face. Putting your hands on your mouth, nose and eyes introduces germs to your body. Also, this may prevent a few pimples! It's a Win-Win.
4--Get rid of viruses on your computer. I'm talking about the ones living on the surface of your keyboard, not just your hard drive. Invest in disinfectant wipes and keep your computer and your cell phone germ-free.
5--Stay away from sick people! (Obv.)
6--And if you do get sick...do like I do and STAY HOME! Seriously, don't spread the nasties by going to school/work/shopping, just chill at home for a few and drink plenty of fluids (and catch up on that TBR pile of books next to your bed!).

What are your tips and tricks for staying well? And what are your fave books to read when sick?


Pamela Kramer said...

Big one! Cough in your sleeve, not your hand or a tissue. Germs die quicker in fabric and you won't have nasty germs to share with others on your hand.

Valerie said...

I'm sick right now, it's hard to stay away from the sick person when the sick person is your 2 year old, whose crying in the middle of the night for mamma...

So in light of that, keep your sick kiddos home from day care.

Daisy said...

Be around sick people a lot so you build up your immune system ;) Since becoming a medical intern and getting sneezed/coughed on a lot I haven't had as many colds as I used to!
Fave books to read when sick: anything that doesn't require me to be sharp while reading it, and mostly romance novels!

Gina @ My Precious said...

Good advice. I'm not a big fan of re-reading books though. Its the same for me with movies too. But, I like staying in my PJ's all day.

I did get my flu shot already too!

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