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Friday, December 23, 2011

Delirium Trilogy Video!

Happy holidays, my darlings! I recently filmed a video discussing the Delirium Trilogy and I'd love for you all to see it and tell me what you think! Here it is! Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem have truly been as fun for me to write as they (hopefully!) are for you to read. I know I say it a lot, but I really am thankful to all of you fans out there. The letters I receive and Facebook/Twitter shout-outs I get mean so much to me!

Oh, and don't forget to order Hana today (Christmas Eve) from Hodder & Stoughton if you're in the U.K.! Here's a link to their Hana page... Ho Ho Ho and Merry-Almost-Christmas!!! :-D



hwvw said...

Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too!

LittleReader said...

Thanks ^^ This is one of my favorite gifts for Chrismas!!
Merry Chrismas n.n


Benji @ The Non Reluctant Reader said...

Thanks for this awesome video and insight. I hate it when authors turn a three book series into one big book!

Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said...

Love the video -- very interesting discussion. I think you've done a fabulous job so far. I just finished my ARC of Pandemonium last night (ack, that ending!!!), and I really appreciate how even though you're dying for the next book it's still a full story arc told throughout the novel.

Merry Christmas!! =)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Ms. Oliver!! I'll have to check out that video... I haven't read "Delirium" yet, but I found it under my Christmas tree this morning. :) I can't wait to start it, I've heard only good things about it!! <3

Sending a holiday hug! <3

Belaprincesa said...

Merry Christmas to you too!!!I'm a brazilian fan and I liked a looot your book,Before I Fall!I found it amazing!The way you show it was only perfect!!!I can do nothing but agree with the press comments: she hurtles toward an end as brave as it is heartbreaking.It was really brave but heartbreaking!!!I knew all the time what was goin to happen but I realy was cheering to not happen what I knew... Great words!!! And i just found out that this book it's gonna become a movie!!!Is it true???I was realy cheering to become a movie and I already imagined how it would be while I was reading !!!A lot of brazilian hugs and kisses!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays Ms. Oliver!! I just finished the book Delirium after my two young aunts suggested it to me! I read it soo fast because it was soo amazing it only took me 25 hours, and I am usually such a slow reader. I can honestly say that this book changed me, because at the end I was probably crying harder than I have ever cried in my entire life! You are truthfully gifted and talented with your words and phrases. I hope that one day I can work hard enough to be able to write like you do in such a clear and beautiful manor. Also, I really hope that Alex doesnt die and that Lena and him reunite! I was almost hoping you had ended the book so that Alex and Lena made it over the gate and then there would be a part at the end saying what their future was (how they would get married and have kids!) But still, i am not sure it would have had the same effect on me if you simply did that. You are truly talented, and I hope that you bring all of the delicious detail and beauty from the first book to the next book and the one after that. Thank you for making my winter break different than all my others! Praise from New York Ciry!

danny said...

Ms.Oliver i think you should make delirium a MOVIE.I think alot of your fans would die to watch it.I know i would! So please consider it.Because i think your fans would love the movie just like twilight fans would die for breaking dawn part 2:)PLEASE CONSIDER IT!!!! Also make the others a movie once its done with the books

Nicole said...

Hey, I just wanted to you know I am a HUGE fan of Delirium! It is my favorite dystopian society type book I have read yet! I loved the video, and am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for Pandemonium to come out!

Unknown said...

Ah! I love Delirium and Pandemonium! Please give us a little hint on the third book. :]

P.S. I love Before I Fall too! :D

Anonymous said...

Both books were completely amazing. I finished each in a day because I could not put them down. They were so well written and full of suspense. Every emotion Lena felt I managed to experience as well. Cannot wait for the third!

Unknown said...

i would like to ask you something. I am from greece and i am waiting for the publishing of the Pandemonium and the Requiem. Can you help me learn when they will be published ?

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Content by Lauren Oliver - Copyright 2011. Blog designed by Ella Press Studio - 2011.

Author Photo by Jonathan Alpeyrie - Copyright 2010. Original Font Idea by Erin Fitzsimmons - 2010.