Happy Thursday! I thought I'd celebrate the almost end of the week by showing you two gorgeous European covers of my books. On the left is the super edgy Czech cover of Before I Fall (it was released there yesterday!). And here on the right is the beautiful Greek cover for Delirium. What do you guys think of these? Pretty awesome, right?
These covers look amazing. I can't wait for Pandemonium to hit the UK shelves ;) x
P.S I know this is about Delirium but I HAD to post a comment about Pand too lol x
LOVE them! :D Especially the Greek Delirium cover - I love the colours :D
BEAU.TI.FUL. (dunno what's up with me speaking in such pronounced syllables today. *shrugs*)
they both are simply stunning! which is awesome, because the insides are just as fabulous :D
WOW....WOW...WOW!!! They are AMAZING!!!
OMG! I love the one for Before I fall!!
they're both great!!!
They're both really awesome! I think that's my favorite DELIRIUM cover yet!
BEFORE I FALL is a wonderful book. Bold, optimistic and bitter. Thanks for writing it. And you're right: so many things become beautiful when you really start looking. If only we had the sense to remember it more often...
I love the Czech cover!It's awesome!The greek one is nice too and just to know,the greek editor of your books is one of the best by all means here in Greece!Too bad I've already read Delirium in british edition.Can't wait Pandemonium!
Maybe I should learn Greek and buy this edition ;p
The Greek cover of Delirium (Παραλήρημα) is amazing. I can't wait to read it!!!
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