Although it has already been announced elsewhere, I'm so excited to officially announce on my blog that I have sold my very first adult book, ROOMS, which will be coming out in the Fall of 2014! It is always a ridiculously happy and surreal occasion when I sell a new book, but this venture in particular marks two important milestones.
First is the opportunity to work with Ecco, which has housed so many amazing writers and books (such as Russell Banks, a personal favorite). It's just an unbelievable honor to be edited by such a deeply literary imprint.
Secondly: as previously described, ROOMS will be my first published novel officially for adults! (I say "officially" because 1) my teen books have many wonderful and dedicated adult fans and 2) I hope many of the teens who have read and loved my other books will find pleasure in reading ROOMS). While I love writing for young adult and middle grade readers – and will continue to do so – I've always wanted to work in as many genres, and for as many ages, as possible. It's amazing to have the opportunity to really embrace this as a really fun challenge, and push myself creatively. I think the best way to keep yourself growing and learning as an artist is to constantly explore and try new things, and I'm just so psyched to do that with with this book!
Who knows? Maybe next I'll write a children's picture book so I'll have readers from the cradle to the grave!
Here is the announcement in the New York Times ArtsBeat:
Congratulations, Lauren!
I will definitely be picking this up. Pity we have to wait so long though!
Let us know more ASAP! :)
Pen to Paper
Woohoo congratulations to you! And how exciting for us reader fans :)
Congrats Lauren! I'm so excited to watch all your success. And read your books.
Congratulations, Lauren!
So exciting! I can't wait to read it! Although Fall 2014 is a long time to wait - luckily we'll have Requiem to bridge the gap, right? Coincidentally, I JUST finished writing a post about how you were quickly becoming one of my favorite authors, so this is obviously good news!
I am so excited you're doing an adult book!!! 2014 seems for-freaking-ever away, but I know it'll be worth the wait. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Congratulations Lauren! Can't wait to read ROOM!
Congratulations Lauren!!! I can't wait to read it! I'm a loyal adult reader of your YA and MG books so I know this new one will be amazing!
Amazing images! Dying laughing. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I seriously cannot wait to read it!
Congratulations!!! I look forward to ROOMS!
**And I love the Carlton dance, hilarious and fitting :)
Congradulations. Can't wait to read it.
Yaaay! So looking forward to ROOMS!!!!!!
OMG Bacon is poppin' the collar. AWESOME! Congrats on ROOMS.
Congratulations!!! This is so exciting and a definite on my TBR list! Good luck with your new editor, and I'm sure ROOMS will be just as fantastic as Delirium, Before I Fall and Liesl and Po (speaking of which, Pandemonium has exceeded Delirium's standards, remaining unputdownable and amazing)!
Congratulations, Lauren! You are such an inspiration to me. Keep carrying the torch, girlfriend! I can't wait to read ROOMS! (Crazy dances! ^_^)
Congratulations, Lauren! I'm happy for you, although it will take enough to be published in Brazil. You motivates me and inspires me, even with my hectic life, I still want to keep writing!
When you come here in Brazil?
- Thayris
Huge congrats! Can't wait to read ROOMS.
Way to go! Wanna review it. :-)
I'm one of your so many fans in Spain and I'm glad of hearing about your new book, though I have to wait so much to read it. I hope read a lot about you in the future ;)
Congrats Lauren!
So happy for you...what an accomplishment.
I look forward to reading ROOMS in 2014!
Congrats! I am always excited about your books and cannot wait to read this!
YAY! Congratulations, Lauren! That's super exciting! But Fall 2014? That's like over 2 years away! (And I thought I had to wait a long time for Requiem, lol) I'm a college student who loves your YA books,so I'm sure I will love "Rooms" too. What's it about?
Congratulations! I am so excited for you and can't wait for the release of Rooms.
How fun! Can't wait!
haha x infinity: Maybe next I'll write a children's picture book so I'll have readers from the cradle to the grave!
Congratulations!! That's so exciting!
Congrats Lauren! I'm sure it'll be another awesome book. Can't wait to read it!
Congrats! Isn't it exciting? Enjoy!
Congratulations :) I can't wait to hear more about it. 2014 seems so far away!
Congrats Lauren! I am excited to read more about ROOMS and btw those pictures cracked me up, total flashback!
Congratulations! I'm more of a young adult reader, but I am thinking about reading ROOMS when it comes out. But 2014? That's gonna be a lon wait. :D
I read the book BEFORE I FALL
honestly i dont understand the ending....
what really happened??
is it all her dreams? that she died and then she just wake up
or she really died?>>>>------<<<<<<<
in the end it was like she was talking to juliet sykes then... it was written"and everything falls into a dream" then it was already described that she heard someone saying sam.. sam.. sam.. and pictures floating in and out..
i really dont understand the ending... i find it so hard.....to understand that part.. someone... do you understand whats the ending?? please answer me.. im really waiting for the reply
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