It's time for another writing challenge! I know I haven't done one of these for a while, so I'll give you all a quick refresher on the rules. I will give a prompt. In response, you will have two weeks to write a 200 word creative response and e-mail it to me in the next two weeks. I will pick 3-4 of your submissions to showcase on this very blog!
The prompt for this challenge is. . . awkward! No, really, awkward is the prompt. What does awkward mean to you? Is it blurting out you like someone, only to have him/her confess to liking your best friend? Is it the moment at graduation your uncle gets drunk and confesses he wished he'd married your mother instead of her sister? Is it your father trying to give you advice on the birds and bees, or your mom asking your advice on the very same subject? Or is it (like the image above) when someone gives you a present that you just have no idea what to do with! Take this anywhere you want, so long as the prevailing theme is a moment of supreme and skin-crawling awkwardness.
Remember, you have two weeks so get it in before May 11th!
Happy Writing!

Oooh, fun! So I'm new to the writing challenge - can we relay a story of personal awkwardness, or should we use our imaginations? I'm excited to write about awkwardness, since that's a subject near and dear to my heart. Maybe it will be cathartic :-)
Here you have a willing Spanish blogger contestant. Let's see if I have enough time and inspiration to write something decent. That way I practice my English. :)
Have you googled the word askew? This just reminds me of that :)
That was an awkward comment.
Submitted my entry! Oh boy... :) *crosses fingers*
Is this allowed to be way longer than 200 words? Is that the minimum? Because the one I'm writing is currently over 2000...and I'm still not done yet...
@Courtney Price. OMG YES. lol...
just discovered your site! awesome! will the next writing challenge be this week?
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