Hi all....
Well, as my end-of-the-year gift to all of you I am giving away not one, not two, but three fabulous prizes to the winner of my "Have-Yourself-A-Morbid-Little-Christmas" Contest! I'll be giving away three books, all of which deal in some way with death--cheerful, right?
The books are:
Before I Fall (my book--in ARC form)
If I Stay, by Gayle Forman (in hardcover)
Thirteen Reasons Why, by Jay Asher (in hardcover)
That's right, the lucky winner will receive all three books! (Check out the pic below--you can see my Xmas tree in the corner of the frame! he he he.)

All you have to do to enter is answer my question: What's on your Christmas (or Hanukkah, or non-denominational holiday) wishlist this year? And please leave your email address so I can contact you!
This contest will run from now until 12/25, so hurry up and enter already!!
Great giveaway! On my wishlist this year is a bookshelf. I have all of my books stacked on the floor in my closet. I am running out of room!
Elie (Ellz Readz)
Books!!! The Maze Runner and To Kill a Mockingbird are on my list. heatoddgardner@yahoo.com
After moving to Chicago this year, I realized a necessity for a super warm winter coat, so that's on my list.
jillkt13 at yahoo dot com
What is the correct answer to win? I would like an ice-crusher, some photographic paper, and the (Ultimate) Michael Haneke DVD box set.
A bookcase is on my wishlist. I am in dire need of one because I do not have one. Crazy, I know. We do have one in the house but it's the hubby's and he is using it to house his die-cast model collection (airplanes and cars). So my books are piling up on the top shelf of the computer desk and it's seriously become a safety hazard. I hope to get one soon!
thebookvixen [at] gmail [dot] com
I would love to have two hours to talk and have a couple lattes with my faraway friend, Patricia. I would also like more time to read in my life.
Both of these are practically unattainable, but that's what wishing's about, right?
P.S. I loved the "Before I Fall" preview posted on The Book Pixie (this is not strategy--just honest feedback!).
Awesome contest! Hmm...on the top of my wish list would have to be, yup, a book shelf too! I'm not trying to be unoriginal here, but I own over 600 books and my 3 book shelves are stuffed to the gills, double and triple stacked!
a bookcase and books and some movies would be nice and so would a job. Also for the story I'm trying to write to come together.
Ooh awesome contest!
There really isn't much on my Christmas list this year. I find the older I get, the less things I really need. Being 20 and kinda broke, I pretty much just want money haha. ;)
This year, I am DYING for a top hat. Yes, that kind of top hat. I've been wanting one forever! Oh, and Rock 'em Sock 'em robots. And bunches of Cds and books.
shutupjessicasreading @ gmail.com
I would love a couple extra vacation days devoted to snuggling in bed with my big fluffy dog Lucy.
I also want some new skates and a new helmet for my third season with the Boston Derby Dames!
On my wishlist? BOOKS!! Most of them are pre-order but well, that's the beauty of amazon!
Want me to name some? The Reckoning, Chasing Brooklyn, The Secret Year, Dead Tossed Waves, All Unquiet Things, Before I Fall!, The Iron King, Some Girls Are...
Great giveaway btw!
What's on my Christmas wishlist? Well, let's see. Books, books, and more books. =] Oh and the Glee soundtrack. That is definitely my favorite new show and they have some awesome music.
Fabulous contest! I wish for a gift certificate to Powells or my local fabric shop. :)
What is on my wishlist this year? Well, there are several items that I want, but the one thing I want the most is to have the best christmas ever, and by doing that, I have tried to get everyone a present. Not just something simple, like a gift card, but something that they like personally (like for my dad I'm getting him the Wizard of Oz on DVD). To get it you gotta give it so I am getting everyone I love presents (I have at least 14 people this year! Yikes!) But it will be worth it cause I want to make everyone happy. And that is sort of tough because I have a big family and usually when everyone is home, well, a few arguments will stir. So this year for Christmas, I just want my whole family to really enjoy it. It doesn't matter what I recieve, its what they do.
Merry Morbid Christmas!
I just want gift cards so that I can pick out books.
I only have one thing on my list this year. I want a new food processor. My vintage one (about 20 years old) has warped beyond repair. Oh, time to read would also be good. There are so many wonderful books available and so little time.
Books, books, books, are on my wishlist. I have typed out my parents a list of book titles I want. I don't expect to get much, but its worth the try.
Hi Lauren :)
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I have new speakers for my computer on my Christmas wishlist.
Merry Christmas,
PS - Posted about this on my Blog for my Fri Dec 18th 5am EST post.
Thank you for hosting this contest! On my wishlist this year is a new bookshelf. I am becoming overwhelmed and my last bookshelf was built into our house. We've since moved and I have no where to store them!
Merry Christmas!
Email: esperanza62@gmail.com
On my wishlist this year i have tons of books (¿Who doesnt XD?) and also some DVD's. I've also asked for a new printer since the old one died some days ago.
Happy holidays!
battyaboutbats at gmail.com
Secretly I am wishing for a Kindle or a Nook - not sure I will love it, but I would love to have one and give it a try! ;)
I am also hoping for gift cards, no one knows what I have in terms of books - because no one asked! So I dont want them buying what I already got LOL...
Christmas this year has been REALLY hard to get in the spirit for - Aubrey, my daughter will be with her dad all Christmas break - for the first time since she's been alive she and I will not be together on that day...it's really HARD! :)
Blessings...thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Jenn@ book-crazy.com
On my wishlist? booooooooooks, boooks and more books, then, cloooooooothes, clooothes, and more clothes, and finally, shoes, I love shoes XD Great contest!!
Merry Christmas!
My e-mail: luli_.22(at)hotmail(dot)com
The only things on my wishlist is books and an ice cream maker :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Basically my whislist is filled with books and some cash would be ok too! there are too many books I want but the ones I'm dying to read are The Maze Runner and Perfcet Chemistry!
Awesome giveaway! A new camera and a ton of books are on my wish list :)
kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com
I just did a recent post about my wishlist.. Um but two books I'm dying to get are ArchEnemy by Frank Beddor and Peter & Max by Bill Willingham. I'm crossing my fingers to get some fun bookish goodies like t-shirts, bookends, or reading travel mugs. :)
dragonzgoil at gmail dot com
Willow of Julia Hoban and a lot of Christmas sweets are in my Wishlist :)
Oh wow, three brilliant books! Pretty please put my name in the hat if this is international :D
On my Christmas wishlist is Veronica Mars season 1-3 on dvd, The Dark Divine and Perfect Chemistry!
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
The Dark Divine, Scones & Sensibility and Magic Under Glass. Books, what else!!! Great contest. Thank you for hosting it!!
On my Christmas wishlist this year is all ten seasons of Friends (love that show) and Marian Keyes's new book The Brightest Star in the Sky!
Email: leah-graham@hotmail.com
Hi! I kept it simple this year and wished for a bookstore gift card for me and a very special Christmas for my adorable four year old nephew.
Email: koffeebean76 at mac dot com
At the top of my wishlist this year is a Panasonic TZ7 camera.
This year I asked Santa for a boyfriend. Not a boyfriend, but THE boyfriend, just like the ones in the books that I love so much (I asked for books too, but to my parents. Santa will have a lot of work with my other request already).
Books! Or a Chapters gift card. :D
On my list? A 5-quart covered saute pan and an iPod touch. As you are the first to ask, I hold out little hope for these items and will hope to win some books instead.
Mainly books. I asked for:
J R Ward Boxed Set
Darklight - Lesley Livingston
My Soul to Save - Rachel Vincent
On my list there is an ebook sony reader and make-up.
This is an amazing giveaway. I had seen a lot of people mentioning If I Stay and I've been wanting Thirteen Reasons Why, just keep forgetting to pick it up. I saw your book on Good Reads and it sounds good.
The only thing I really want for Christmas is a Kindle. I've been hearing wonderful things about it, and I enjoy reading so much. It could be a nice investment. And, there are tons of books on my list. Mainly finishing up a lot of my series.
beautifulxdisaster (@) gmail (dot) com.
I have a dslr and your Before I Fall book on my wishlist!!!! :)
(It's true, and I'm not ass kissing cos the naughty ones don't get their wishes to come true!!)
bunnybx at gmail . com
A bookcase is on my wishlist i need one ungently, my books are everywhere and my mom threatened to throw them all, if i find them fast site, you wish you peace, love,health and happiness for all people worldwide.
emm, it's easy i want a new cellphone, i like the palm pre or mb200
in books i want Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen or how i live now by Meg Rosoff
I'm wondering if this is international as well. I'm from Canada.
On my wishlist is a new bookshelf, some books, or a kindle.
SHIVER by Maggie Stiefvater! I've already read it, but I really want my own copy... to pet and stuff. :)
Sara @ The Hiding Spot
My wishlist contains some books I've wanted for a while, some I've already read but ended up giving my copy away or just haven't bought yet. Mostly I want the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews though. love, love it!
mmillet at gmail dot com
The only thing on my wishlist is a "free weekend" preferably out of town. I have 5 kids who I am constantly busy with so I just need a little break. And of course all I would want to do on my free weekend is read, read, read.
My email is cynthiadiaz2008@yahoo.com.
I've been a bit ashamed this year because I have no wishlist, in the kind of way you have no friends. The only thing I really want is a $200 + copy of Dreamweaver that I don't expect (or demand) anyone get me. But there's my list, and here's my entry, and this sounds like an incredibly giveaway so fingers crossed!
headdeskforwriters AT gmail (dot) com
I would like to have a Mac desktop! My current computer is super slow, it takes decades to load. Thanks for this great contest!
kate.readthisbook [at] gmail [dot] com
that is a good question
I only want two things but one of them it's a bit impossible
1-I would like to hava a new bookcase full of all the books that I want to read
2-The other thing is a new mobile phone because the mine is almost dead
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