'Tis the season for summer lovin'...and fittingly, three copies of the wonderful anthology
Crush, edited by Andrea Richesin, and all about puppy love, first crushes, and early heartbreak (and healing). The anthology is chock-full of amazing essays by fabulous writers like David Levithan, Daria Snadowsky, Jacquelyn Mitchard, and of course...
Want a signed copy? You know you do! Just reply to this blog post by 6/1 and tell me how old you were when you had your first CRUSH. (If you're really brave, feel free to include a name, too). :)
And don't worry, all...the collection is OUT in stores now, so even if you don't want to spill the details of your first love (and possibly heartbreak), you can order a copy of this awesome anthology by clicking
And don't forget to enter to win a copy of my very first middle-grade, Liesl and Po! Enter by checking out the contest
My first crush was when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. His name was Leonard and he was a grade older than me. It's kinda funny since I really haven't thought of him in so long until today when I saw that it was his graduation date.
My first crush was in the first grade, his name was Davie, he was not in my class so I only got to stare at him during lunch, which was just fine for my 6 year old mind.
I had my first crush in third grade. His name was Austin. We were pretty good friends. I remember us running around on the playground, pretending to be spies.
Haha! Wow, seriously my first crush was in kindergarten! :) I still see him now in high school.
I would mention his name but you never know who's following you and reading your comments, lol! I'll leave his initials - A.W.
Now, I'm not crushin' on him but man! I crushed on him from kindergarten up to third grade until I moved! Oh boy! *facepalm*
First crush was in 4th grade. Invited him to my brother's space planets-themed birthday party. Got him an under armor shirt for Valentine's day and sent an anonymous card. He was never into me, but decided to tell me two years later at a halloween party in front of my entire grade. #fail.
My first crush was in grade two... A boy I was best friends with and was too shy to tell him I liked him. The crush continued for several years, until middle school came and we grew apart.
My first real crush was when I was nearly 13. He was one year older than me and we met thanks to our parents. It's funny to think about it now.
My first crush was when I was 12 years old. This boy from my class had been in love with me for two years I think, his name was Luis Carlos. He became my friend and then I liked him, but of course by that moment he liked another girl already hehe. Sometimes I found him at the groceries store and we stop to talk. Of course my boyfriend, who studied with us, doesn't like him. He keeps thinking he still likes me, which is silly because that was more than 10 years ago!
Thanks for the giveaway! Enter me only if it's international.
magabygc AT gmail.com
The first real crush I remember was in the 8th grade. We eventually dated for awhile but it never worked out.
meredithfl at gmail dot com
Yay for awesome contests!
Do actors count? If so, my first crush was on Ben Barnes at age 13. If actors don't count, it's still age 13 and involves a guy I like to call Jamie. I'm 16 now, and still have no clue if he likes/liked me.
My first crush was when I was in 1st grade. His name was Luke and he was so sweet! I remember we went on a field trip to a nature preserve and we held hands the whole time we walked around! hahah it was adorable. Of course now i haven't seen or talked to him in..i don't know about 8 years! lol
Haha, oh wow. I had my first crush when I was about 9. His name was Devon. We went to school together and I used to talk to him on the phone almost every night for, like, months until I finally told him I liked him. And he said he liked me back. SIGH.
THEN he turned around the next day at school and told my VERY BEST FRIEND in the whole world that he liked her too. More than me. ::HEART CLENCH::
I almost spoiled my friendship with the girl over him because she liked him too. It was rather... devastating. Did I mention I saw him do it? Yeah... then I had to go home with her that afternoon after school cause she was my ride.
P.S. - we're in our twenties now and she's still my BFF, we got over that cause we realised that he wasn't worth coming between us.
Hmm...my first crush was on a boy named Benjamin in the seventh grade. We were actually best friends before I fell for him. He was wonderful. He made me laugh all the time and I wasn't afraid to be myself around him. He was so sweet and fun. I was too chicken to tell him though, so nothing happened. We go to different high school now and I haven't seen him in 4 years.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm definitely not brave enough to gush his name but I was nine and in third grade when I had my first crush!
Thanks for this giveaway! My first real crush/boyfriend happened when I was 14. I just knew we were meant to be together forever. We broke up after only a month! We started dating again when we were 15 and have been going strong ever since. We're 21 now. His name is Chase.
Oh goodness...young love. I swear I had a new crush every year at the beginning of each grade. I think my first one was in first grade and I think his name was Tim. My middle school crushes stick out the most in my memory though because everyone's love lives were so dramatic. My favorite part that I remember was receiving the notes in class with the question "will you be my girlfriend? Circle yes or no."
My first crush was in the eighth grade. I'm definitely not brave enough to say who. But, I remember having such a wonderful feeling. Crushes are amazing. You never feel the way you do with anything else.
And Yes, I too had the cute little note, with circle yes or no. :)
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
My first crush was on....orlando bloom as Legolas.
The sweeping gray hair, the pointed ears, the strange milky skin tone ....sexy, right you guys?? ........Right?? ::: crickets::::
Oh well. I guess I'll just jump on the bandwagon and say it was edward cullen instead.
Lindsaycummings20 at yahoo dot com
my first crush was in 7th grade, there was this boy that has been talking to me a little bit, and I admit I developed a sort of crush, then he asked me out :)
his name was Cory
only thing is, he was going out with 2 other girls also, and this was only 7th grade, plus he was pressuring me to make out and I just wasnt conforatble to do that yet.
Aww 7th grade drama.....
My first crush was in early elementary school, I can't remember what grade. His name was Patrick. I remember trying to be tough so that he would like me. We started "boxing" during recess when another girl who liked him came over and he accidentally hit her. Then we both got in trouble. And since I was a good girl and never got in trouble, my fixation with him ended there - bad influence! Haha.
ilikethesebooksblog at gmail dot com
my first crush was when I was 12 years in fact he was my best friend. over the time we try to avoid that we like each other, more than only friends. and we didn't want to stop being friends because of that, but then we couldn't avoid it . and things went bad, it wasn't the same as to be friends. then we became friends again and a month later. I found out that he went out with my best friend. and I think that ruined it all . today is weird to see him... and more weird is talk to him.
I was in first grade when I had my first crush. His name was Chris and we had a "date" at his apartment where we helped his mom make oatmeal-raisin cookies. :) Don't really know what happened to our relationship...
My first crush was during the 3rd grade. I still remember his name. It was Dan. I used to walk behind him on the way home because he always passds my house on the way to his. We were friends, but never anything more. Oh, how I liked him. I liked him until the I left elementary school to move on to high school. I pined for him for almost 3 years, but I never had the courage to tell him how I felt. For my lack of courage I let him slip away from me never to be seen again. I'm now 20 years old and still remember that boy. I still remember his crooked smile when he'd tease me to no end. *sigh* such lovely memories!
Many thanks for this contest! Email: xjessirae(at)hotmail(dot)com
When I was 12, at camp, I had a crush on this kid in my division. I saw him at this MTV competition the camp had. He was the lip-syncer. I thought he was the coolest thing ever.
Fast forward a week or so after the MTV competition. Everyone in the camp had to participate in a square dancing competition. And as fate would have it, he got assigned to be my partner. Every day at square dancing practice (soooo romantic, right?) I would try to flirt with him.
We won the square dancing competition. He hugged me. It was awesome.
On the last day of camp, looking like a wreck (crying, makeup everywhere, hair a complete frizz ball), he came up to me, hugged me, and told me he would miss me so much (and he couldn't wait until next year). Here's the worst part: I didn't have time to get his number because the buses were leaving!
And, even worse, I ended up not going back to that camp the next year. I never saw him again...
But, now we're facebook friends. So it's all good (not). Whatever. I can find another guy to make me swoon with his lip-synced performance of "It's Gonna Be Me" by 'N Sync any other day of the year! :)
I had a crush on Paul Hogan/Crocodile Dundee when I was very young, but my first "real" crush was Trey in 2nd grade. I don't know what made me like him, but I was stuck in his class all the way until HS graduation, and the crush never lasted past elementary school. Good thing, I'm sure.
My first crush was in about 4th grade and hi name was David. We were in the same class and also played soccer together (but on opposite teams)- I thought the best way to show my undying devotion was to knock him over as many times as possible during soccer. Nothing says "I love you" like getting kicked in the shins and pushed over by a 10 year old girl in front of all your friends...
My very first crush was in the 1st grade. There was this 5th grader that lived in my neighborhood and was mondo cute. I was such a dork and would turn bright red whenever he came around. I remember one time he came over when I was outside and we talked on the porch. At the time, I thought it was the sweetest little thing.
Looking back, I think that makes him kind of the male version of a cougar and me jail bait.
2nd grade. Michael K. I don't remember how I noticed him. But I remember he was blonde, and recess was involved.
My first crush was Shaun in 3rd grade. He had a dazzling smile at 8. :)
pcottonbearcat (at) gmail (dot) com
Wait, I remember, my first crush was to a boy named Dustin. I don't know when the crush started but I know I knew him since probably birth because our families were friends. We were connected at the hip and I remember one time I painted my nails to impress him and I asked if he liked them and he said something like, "I don't like nail polish" or "I don't like girly stuff," I can't remember. He left the room after that and I stood there bawling my eyes out. I was a silly child! ;)
The first crush I can remember is in first grade, his name was Alex and I probably liked him (but barely spoke to him) for like 3years.
sithereandread (at)gmail.com
I think my first crush was in 2nd grade. A boy in my neighborhood First kiss too. A peck on the cheek He was soo cute! :)) No names but his initials are C.G. >_<
I think I was in 4th or 5th grade, it was a guy that a lot of girls at our school had crushes on :P.
In 4th or 5th grade I claimed/sort of had a crush on my best friend's crush... she didn't believe me. 321gemstar@gmail.com
First crush was when I was 14. It was so long ago...I won't tell you how long ago. Looked him up a few years ago...thank goodness it didn't go past the crush stage.
I had my first crush when I was in 6th grade (11ish). His name was Jason Gardner. I think everyone had a crush on him back then. Needless to say, he had no idea who I was and never talked to me, but still. I use to doodle his name in my Lisa Frank notebook and draw little hearts around it! :P
I was eight years old when I had my first crush. His name was David and he was a transfer student from a private school into my public school. He was adorable, well dressed and very polite. I moved away the next year and saw him years later in middle school and well, people change, lol!
My first crush was in 6th grade, and his name was Sharoon - he also happened to be my very best friend Sherry's older brother *facepalm*. I pined for him for a year, never uttering a word to him, or my friend, although she has always been so in-tune with me that she always knew, and warned me against him. He went on to become my first boyfriend, and perhaps the first love of my life.
We were together on-and-off for 8 years, (mostly off) because he had some serious commitment issues (so he was technically my first break-up and my first heartbreak!) but also because I was busy with school. Until he finally asked me to marry him, when I was 20. I said yes, on the condition that I'd complete my medical degree, and then we'd marry. So, technically, he was my first fiance! lol :P We tried making a long distance relationship work since I was in Medical school by then - so he was my first long distance relationship. And then, four months later, I found out that he'd cheated on me with some girl who was now four months pregnant with his child - so, he was also my first betrayal, and my first "oh-crap-my-life-now-resembles-a-soap-opera" moment! Lots of firsts...hahaha, but he was, before anything else...my first crush! :D
GFC Follower: ~Enamored Soul~
Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
Twitter: @inluvwithbookz
My first kinda-crush was in grade one when a boy (his name was bill) decided to share his lunch with me. That was kind of a one day thing...lol...
My first real crush was when I was thirteen. It lasted for about a week...
elanor_gamgee [at] yahoo [dot] ca
My first crush had to be in, 3rd grade and his name was Kyle something, But my first love had to be this year actually [9th] and the guy is Will R.
My first crush..was probably a classmate in 4th grade - he's a boy that sat next to me and took the same school bus as me home. I really can't remember his name, haha.
I was 12. No names :D
My first crush was in third grade. I'm torn between saying his name because I really respect my real life friends, but what about one who is dead? I'm just going to say that his name started with a D and he wasn't as jerk-ish as the other guys on the playground.
thanks for the giveaway!
ashelynnsanford at hotmail dot com
My first crush was when I was 6years old. I know! I'm too young! What was I thinking? Anyway...he was my classmate. And in every photo, I'd always be beside him. Hugging him or with my arms on his shoulders. He didn't seem to mind though. He hugged me back. :)
Thank you!
My first crush was when I was pretty young--probably 7 or so. He was a family friend and I would walk to his house ALL THE TIME. I remember birthday parties, random play-dates and everything. I think I crushed on him all through elementary school haha!
Thanks :)
I would have to say my first real crush was when i was 10 years or so and it was the next door neighbors son. He was 2 years older and i was madly in love with him, or so i thought. his name was richie.
My first crush was when I was in 3rd grade. My mom was a teacher at my school and I had a huge crush on one of her students. He was two years older than me and my crush lasted like a year, when I changed schools :P
Thank you so much for the giveaway! I'm crossing my fingers :D
entrelibros_blog at hotmail dot com
Oh boy, have I got an embarrassing first crush story! When I was in kindergarten there was this really cute little blue-eyed boy named Anthony with honey blond hair, and I thought he was utterly irresistible. So every day I saw him I proclaimed that we were going to get married. And he thought I was the weirdest and creepiest kid ever (which I probably was). I persisted in telling him this, and so he proceded to tell his mother, who worked at the school as a crossing guard. And one day after school Anthony, his mom, and my mom cornered me and asked, "Elena, have you been telling Anthony that he is going to marry you?"
I just stared at me feet and muttered quietly, "No...."
and from then on I never bothered Anthony again xD
When I was four years old, my mom babysat our next door neighbor's kid. David spent many days at our house. Only a year older than me, he was blond with the bluest eyes, and he even kissed me one rainy afternoon. I crushed hard. Serously. That is until he totally dissed my coloring. Launching into a full-on diatribe and mocking my artistic genius is not the way to win one's heart. And when he claimed he could color better than I, well, astronomical crush aborted. I mean, coloring outside the lines is a sign of greatness, is it not?
Thanks for the giveaway.
When I was younger I had lots of crushes on guys from bands and TV shows but when I was about 13 or 14 I fell really hard for the best friend of my best friend. I got all obsessed about him but he never really noticed me :P
I remember crushing on this boy in kindergarten. I tried to kiss him and he stopped me and was all like, "Uh, what are you doing?" and I said, "Nothing". I never tried that again.
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
Oh, I'm not sure if this really counts as a crush, but I had a small thing for like a week or two with this boy in the 2nd grade. I honestly can't tell you why, any further than "Because he was pretty and nice to everyone". Haha. For some odd reason, my best friend at the time also had something for him, at the same time. It's actually a funny-ish story, but that's for another time. ;)
cc932005 at hotmail dot com
Umm, first crush?
It was back in '97. I was 7, he was 25. We never met, but when I saw the struggling artist he played on that big boat that went under the ocean..what was it again? Oh yeah, Titanic. Well, he just ended up being the man to steal my seven year old heart.
Oh, I hear he shares his first name with this artist dude. Heard of him?
I'm 15 at the moment but my first crush was on my next door neighbour at the age of around 8. He always came around by jumping over the garden fence and then one day, according to my parents, he kissed my cheek and I cried. But after that I realised he was my favourite boy in the world, which is saying something because I generally hated boys! His name was David :)
And now, I have a major crush, but maybe it's love, who knows(?) on a boy a year younger than me. David was two years older than me though. How we change over time? :P
My first crush was when I was 7 years old. His name was Edward (Which is pretty funny cause my name is actually Isabela, aha!) and he would always sit next to me in class. He had amazing blue eyes... I liked him so much! And I guess he liked me back, cause I remember he was always there when I had a dance recital (I guess it's mostly because he was part of the recitals as a gymnast but, still...), taking pictures and bringing them to school to show them to everyone the week before... I think I liked him for four years, until I moved when I was 10.
Last year, I found him on facebook and asked him if he had forgot me: He said no, and told me he would never forget we had married our teddy bears... <3
10 years later his eyes have stayed the same colour, but he has a girlfriend and I live miles away... So I'll just remember him for ever as my very first crush!
Thanks for the giveaway! Enter me only if it's international =).
i was twelve when i fell for my best friend's cousin at her rollerskating birthday party. i remember looking at him over our large slices of pizza and thinking, today will change my life! (it did not, although it did give me this story to tell)
I believe I was 9 and was like 18. he was my brother's friend and I was totally in love with him
I draw little hearts with our names
and then i found out he had a girlfriend and was sad for days...
the sad part is that I don't remember his name
OH it was Rodger in 6th grade. It was too far of a long shot since I was the farm girl, and he was the popular surfer guy. Never happened but a girl can wish then right.
terilhack at gmail dot com
Third grade! His name was Shannon and he had blond hair like me, and freckles all over his face. :)
My first crush was when I was 13 years old. His name is Tom. I've been best friends with him since we were in kindergarten but I only started to have feelings for him at 13. Then after I confessed to him, he avoided me. Now, I see him everyday in school but I don't even dare to look him in the eyes. Although he likes someone else now, I still have feelings for him and I think I always will. :)
Thanks for having this giveaway! :) Enter me only if it's international.
I was 11 and I never found the courage to tell him! Even if I knew he was in love with me... :(
My first crush was in fourth grade. I'm a twin and my twin and I both liked these twin boys, James and Will. I liked James and she liked Will (no it was not just because we were twins). Anyways, Will sat by her on a field trip one day and asked her if she would be his girlfriend. She said yes.
I was really depressed because I liked James and he hadn't asked ME that, but the next day at recess, he asked me.
We were in bliss for two years, until sixth grade. Will decided that he liked another girl. The way he broke up with my sister was a really jerky way...he told the entire grade that they were broken up because he didn't have the guts to say it to her face and she was devestated. I didn't care about the consequences, so I wrote him a really harsh letter saying that he was a coward and a jerk and that I hated him for how mean he was to her.
The next day, I saw James talking with some of the more "popular" people in our grade. I heard from his sister (my best friend) that he had gotten really popular lately and so had Will.
I was talking with my friends when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to see James nervously asking,
"Hey, can I talk to you?"
So I followed him to the middle of the recess field right in front of everybody. Everybody was watching us. He then told me that he thought that he was "too young to have a girlfriend" to which I responded "well, why didn't you think of that a year ago?" (because it was the same excuse his brother had used) and then he brutally dumped me in front of everybody. They all started laughing at me and I started to cry. It wasn't enough that he had to break up with me, the first real crush that I had ever had, but that he did it in front of EVERYBODY, just trying to humiliate me.
This was the boy that I stayed up late IMing every night. This was the boy that I had watched the stars with at a football game. All of these amazing memories were gone with these five words: "I want to break up."
And then, to break my heart even further, he wrote in my yearbook,
"I hate you - James". And then I was stuck with my memories and a broken heart.
wordslikesilverblog(at)gmail(dot) com
I did not have my first crush until 3rd grade when I met my best friend.... and her brother. Over the years the crush grew but I never thought he noticed me as anything but "The best friend " of his sister.
He did start paying more attention to me and he ended up being my first kiss but it never went any further than that.
I met a great guy and when we got engaged my best friend told me that her brother told her "I wish she wasn't getting married". By then it was to late and I was in love with someone else whom I did marry and we now have two gorgeous children.
Sometimes I still think about my first crush and kiss and wonder if he thinks of me.
My fist crush was at 11, a guy in my class, he was really smart so i never work so hard that during that year to impressed him but that wasn't working because everytime i was feeling Thomas's gaze when i was answering to the teacher i was speaking non sense.
But at the end of the year he told me that he liked me too because I was very funny lol My first kiss and my first tears too when he moved. But thanks to that year i became very good in geography ;)
My first crush was in 3rd grade, and I liked a boy named Gordie....
I was eight and David was eleven. I remember being so thrilled when he asked me to play basketball with him after gym class, or giggling uncontrollably while he goofed off on the piano; however, my feelings went undeclared. Now I'm nineteen and he's twenty two and getting married to a girl from Maine. First crushes will flower and fade, but the memories are cute :)
My first crush was when I was in Kindergarten. I remember it perfectly. His name was Zack and I used to chase him around the playground. I remember this one time in particular. It was a chilly, rainy day and I was wearing this yellow rain coat. My class had been released to play on the playground and when I got outside I was excited to see Zack's class was out there as well. We caught each other's eye and he took off. I ran as fast as I could into the play area to try and catch him. My memory fades there and I was never able to remember whether I was able to catch up to him or not.
It is funny the things that our minds are able to hold onto and what memories simple fade into gray.
I was six years old, and so was he. He was new at our school and his name was José Tarcísio, which is a full mouth name even in portuguese and everyone thought he was already all grown up and mature because of it. He wasn't. But I still loved him. He was cute and funny, and most importantly, he was not mean to girls.
When we were seven, we took our first picture together. It was embarrassing and our mothers made us do it, but deep down I was pleased.
When we were eight, he wrote down some very VERY wrong (even stupid) answers on a test and we all found out about it, and while everyone teased and humiliated him, I stood by him. I think it was around that time that he found out about about my feelings. Mind you, it took him long enough, everyone else already knew. He didn't feel the same about me, but still he dealt with it the best way he could: he pretended he new nothing.
When we were nine, he started to like my best friend (of course) and she started to like him and I had to pretend that I was cool with it, that my feelings were long gone.
When we were ten, José Tarcísio's mom decided he would change schools, and I cried and begged my mom to change me from schools too. I followed him (how Felicity of me), but so did my best friend.
When we were all eleven we were settled in our new school, good friends as ever, and there was a new boy around. His name was Giuliano...
I was in kindergarten and his name was Brian Biggs he was the only boy in the class with seven girls. He got passed around quite a bit. I invited him to my birthday party and sat by him in all of the pictures.
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