Hello, my pretties!
There has been lots of buzz about the new look of the Delirium series, and I know that some of you lovelies who bought the original hardcover are sad because you won't have pretty matching books for your shelves. Sooo...Harper has kindly agreed to print fifty special edition dust jackets, which you can use to RE-JACKET your very own, hopefully very loved, copies of Delirium! How cool is that? Just in case you haven't seen it, this is what the special edition cover looks like:

So here's the deal: the first fifty people who send an email to laurenoliverbooks@gmail.com with an address will receive one! Please put DELIRIUM SE COVER REQUEST in the subject. I'll post when we've hit the fifty mark!
P.S. Apparently it was NATIONAL PANDEMONIUM DAY yesterday!! Who new?
Email sent. Oh boy oh boy oh boy! /dances
Oooh, nice! Thanks, Harper!
sent :)
can't wait for pandemonium!
and if it's not too much to ask, send it signed, because signatures are ALWAYS COOL.
sent the email!!!! thanks !!
I just sent my email too. Hope I make it! :-) I loved Delirium and the new cover looks absolutely amazing! I am anxiously awaiting for Pandemonium. :D
Email sent already! I really hope I make it!
the new cover looks pretty awesome!
Also thanks to Harper!
sent the email. I really hope i was one of the first fifty :)
Yay for this, thanks Harper, and Lauren, even if you have nothing to do with it. ;)
I sent! So cool!
I sent an email! Thanks a bunch for sharing!
I sent my email :D That's really sweet of you and Harper :D Thank you so much! I hope I make it :D And I can't wait for Pandemonium ;D
Sent email 2 minutes ago! I hope I get it!! : )
Wow! So great!
E mail Sent!
Thanks...hope I am 0ne of Fifty!
Lauren - What a sweet giveaway!! Thank you so much!
I sent my email! Ah! Hopefully I'm one of the fifty! Thank you!
OMG, I just sent the email! I so hope I am one of the first 50!! The cover looks amazing!
Would have saw this sooner if I wasn't busy posting, but - SENT!
I hope I was the 50! I loved this cover! I love all of them. :) Congractulations, Lauren!
Ana Carlina Ardente
Oh man I have my fingers crossed!!! I hope I made it in :D
Yay! I sent mine! I really hope I was in the 50! Thanks for doing this!
sent my email! Hope I'm one this is great!!
ohh I put my addy in for one of these. I was having the cover drama issue ;) I love my spines.
so exciting!!!! just sent mine!!!
sent my email in too *crosses fingers*
any chance of getting it signed :D
Sent my e-mail in *crosses fingers that she was within the 50 mark*.
I sent my email in, too. I hope I was lucky enough to make it in the first 50! Awesome idea. Thanks for sharing the Delirium love with us, Lauren. :-)
Oh man I hope I sent my email in time. *fingers crossed*
WAHHH :) I sent an e-mail! I sincerely hope I made the 50 mark!
-Alicia T.
Sent e-mail. :D Hope I get one. :D *Fingers Crossed*
*crossing my OCD fingers that I'm one of the 50* Thanks!!
The new cover is amazing!!!
Thank you!
omg omg omg!!! this is amazing! I hope I can get one!! snifff! hopefully Im not too late sniff!!!!!! good luck everybody!! cross fingers!! muah!! ^.^
*thank you so much dear Lauren for this!!! =) * yey!!
I just got mine in the mail today! It's outrageous! I loved the original and I love this one too.....Glad to be one of your lucky fifty!
Was this the only opportunity for a new jacket? I have $1.99 and that's it. :(
Loved Delirium & psyched for Pandemonium. Feeling so much like Lena counting down the days to it.
(just so everyone knows, its about 8 months away)
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